The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

LilBizzy is probably just bizzy with the holidays and all, be patient, she'll be back with another chapter! Although I keep checking daily.
Sorry- been trying to get things done around here. Car is finally halfway fixed, so now that it is running, I've been getting out. Almost done Christmas shopping!! YAY!!. New chapter is half done. Should be up real soon!
Chapter 35: Little WeeMan

Little WeeMan appreciated the biggest little rooster’s advice. He did want the girls to love him the way the Ladies loved the biggest little rooster.
The problem was that ever since he joined the flock, little WeeMan was at the bottom of the pecking order. He came to the house at 5 weeks old with 4 of the girls. Prior to that, he had lived with many chickens and did not really associate with any of them.
When he first joined the flock, he was the smallest and scrawniest of them all. The girls paid little attention to him, but the 5 of them stuck together for a few weeks until the others started accepting them. Even after that, they stuck together often.
There were 4 other roosters in the beginning. Little WeeMan was not only bottom rooster, but was also bottom chicken. It wasn’t horrible- no one actually picked on him, but no one paid much attention to him either. He just stood back. He couldn’t challenge anyone because he was so small.
He started getting a little respect the day the big brown monster’s cousin (the big black monster) got loose. Everyone was free ranging. WeeMan noticed the big black monster coming closer, and he stood as tall as he could, and fluffed his feathers as much as he could, and he yelled, and yelled, and yelled some more. Humans came running from all over, and the girls ran for cover. One of the humans got the big black monster and took it inside. The humanlady told WeeMan she was very proud of him. When the big black monster was away, little WeeMan ran to find the girls, and led them out of hiding.
That act of bravery and chivalry should have made him top roo, but it didn’t. The girls thanked him for saving their lives, then forgot all about it. He went back to being the bottom, and pretty much forgotten.
He tried to be a good leader, but the biggest little rooster was in charge. Little WeeMan challenged the biggest little rooster from time to time. He never expected to win, but it was a rooster’s duty to at least try. He didn’t feel humiliated when he lost a challenge. He felt like a rebel. He thought maybe the girls were impressed that he tried to go against the biggest little rooster.
He was right. The girls WERE impressed. They thought he was a little bit silly, but they admired him at the same time. The girls were no longer in love with the biggest little rooster. They thought he was a little snotty since he had been living with the Ladies. They would always have a little space in their hearts for the biggest little rooster. Now that they were maturing, though, they realized that they didn’t love the biggest little rooster.
The problem was, they did not love little WeeMan, either. He really wanted them to love him. That’s why he started trying to follow the biggest little rooster’s advice. He found he just wasn’t a romantic charming guy. He did end up moving halfway up the pecking order ladder.
In the mornings, he let half of the girls out before he went out. He always alerted when he found good treats, and would stand back and let the girls eat. When the humanlady brought out their goodie bowls, he would let all the girls eat for a few seconds before he ate. He kept his eyes out for any potential problems, and alerted the girls if he saw anything suspicious. Other than that, he did not do anything special. He did try to be gentler in his snuggling.
Life as little WeeMan was not as good as the biggest little rooster, but it sure wasn’t too bad. He had a nice place to sleep, good food and lots of treats, and six girls who may some day swoon over him.
Weeman is on the way up!
aww little WeeMan... your after my own heart! hehehe
OH LilBizzy, found out, we also have a RIR that's afraid of the dark. lol

Glad you were able to take the time to give us our "fix"
I've been checking back several times a day, afraid I was going to miss a new chapter!

Thanks LilBizzy!

LOL I wonder if its a RIR thing. I hung christmas lights on the coop, because I thought the neighbor would get a kick out of it ( she did).
So now, he has a little nightlight.
I love your story, LilBizzy! I finally got a chance to catch up on the last few chapters today and it is just too adorable- esp. how the Biggest Little Rooster is afraid of the dark. that cracks me up

I can't wait for the next chapter. Have you made any progress with publishing?

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