The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

Ooooh! A spin-off series! YAY!
WeeMan and his girls, Biggest Little Rooster and his Ladies!

Poor little girl! Now that there are two flocks that really changes things up. I can't wait to see how things go. Hopefully none of the girls get in with the Ladies now that they saw what can happen.
I dont know what will happen. This is a story that is ongoing. After the attack on the little girl, I dont think they will ever be merged into the same coop. They have been side by side for several months now, and have free-ranged together for some time. Just recently, though, the Ladies have been being mean even when they are all out together. So I don't think they will ever be able to be in the same coop.
aw... I hope your girl gets better quick! I had a very similar injury in one of my hens recently- not sure exactly from what, but pretty sure it was one of my other girls. She healed in two days and when I put her back out, sure enough the Americauna started attacking her again. Luckily, after I separated them for a few hours with chicken wire everyone was fine again. i guess their little brains forget each other in just a short period of time!
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CHAPTER 38 A Rooster Divided

The biggest little rooster and the Ladies got scolded for hurting the girl. The humanlady had taken her inside, and tried to clean up the blood. She put pressure at the bottom of the comb, where the blood was leaking from, until it stopped. The poor girl didn’t care about the oatmeal that was made especially for her. She just wanted to get into the vestibule to lay her egg.
Once she was all settled, the humanlady gave the Ladies a big talking to. The biggest little rooster understood- he was saddened and disappointed also. Little WeeMan didn’t say anything about the attack. He just watched over the hurt girl while she laid her egg.
The biggest little rooster did some thinking. He liked being the leader of the flock, but it really wasn’t one flock anymore. Come to think of it, it never was one flock. The Ladies accepted him because they loved him. They were refusing to accept any of the girls.
He didn’t have any troubles being flock leader when he was with the little ones. The Ladies did not need leading, as they were used to life without a guy around. They certainly appreciated having him, though. They liked having a big, strong, brave rooster looking over them. It made their time outside the run seem s much safer, and less worrisome. If they had their preference, they would definitely keep the biggest little rooster with them. They wouldn’t trade him for 10 roosters.
As the biggest little rooster was thinking about relinquishing his flock leader position, the humanlady came out with an armful of stuff. The biggest little rooster was wondering what she was up to. He ran into the corner because he wasn’t sure if he was in trouble or not.
He wasn’t in trouble! The humanlady was singing, and talking to them all. She was talking about something called Santa Claus, and Christmas. Then she opened the run and let him and the Ladies out. She did warn them that if they harmed any of the girls, they would become fast partners with some dumplings. The biggest little rooster did not know hat that meant, but it sounded bad. He ran to the other side of the yard, with the Ladies following closely.
They ended up going into the older couples yard. The biggest little rooster went up on the deck, and when the neighbor woman came out, she was very surprised to see him there. He had grown quite a bit since she last got this close to him. The biggest little rooster knew she was a little bit afraid because of his size, so he looked away from her to make her feel less threatened.
The Ladies came running up, and the neighbor relaxed. She was absolutely delighted to see the Ladies. She brought them out treats and talked to them. She told them all ho much she missed them visiting her. Her husband heard all the talking, and came out. He walked down to the shed, and they all followed him, knowing he was getting them some treats also. Oh, they loved they neighbors!
They ran and played all day. Every so often, the biggest little rooster would look toward the coop, and see the humanlady still at work. As usual, when having fun, time seems to fly, and the biggest little rooster almost panicked. It was getting dark fast, and they were quite far from the coop. He worried that he wouldn’t get to the coop before it was totally dark inside. He was just about to have a panic attack when he looked over toward his coop. What he saw calmed him down immediately.

He was so happy for those lights. He quickly ran to the coop, and called the Ladies for their snack before bed. When he ran around the corner of the coop, he almost pooped in his tracks. If it weren’t so close to dark, he’d have been quite afraid to go into the coop.

He got his snacks before bed, and braved the funny looking thing on the wall, and ran inside the coop. There was just enough light coming in the window to see the roost.
The Ladies came in finally, and they snuggled on the roost, and looked out the window at the pretty lights until their eyes closed, and they drifted happily to sleep.
aww thats so cool. its very pretty. maybe u should leave the lights there all the time so he isint thats a great chapter I LOVE IT. keep them comming ive read everyone and i havent gotten bored since the first one.
Oh, that would scare the poop out of him for sure. He'd be cowering in the corner of the run. IF he didn't have a heart attack first. My poor biggest little rooster....

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