The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

Oh what a great chapter! I love your neighbors! LOL! The title of the thread kind of scared me...I was afraid something had happened to one of your boys!


hmm jingle bells might be a bit much... lol
Too bad you got the jumping over problem fixed.. lol or you coulda put them up where they were jumping..hehe

I got an idea.. make a scarecrow santa, and have him sitting around someplace for the chickens to hop on, and take a pick of the chickens sitting with santa! lol
Hmmm, I don't have the jumping over problem fixed... but maybe I will now

I think there would only be 1 chicken who'd be brave enough to jump on a scarecrow santa..and its not one of the Ladies.
We had several days of heavy rain. Their little deck is now a dock. They have waterfront property! They use the mat because they have to- but I cannot seem to get them to actually wipe their feet!
Surprisingly, no one has pooped on it yet, though.
hehehe Thank goodness for small favors.
I think they are just wonderful. Just make sure your spoiled birds dont tell my spoiled birds about everything you do for them, otherwise mine would drive me crazy! lol
"where's MY oatmeal? LilBizzy makes hers oatmeal" Where's MY doormat? LilBizzy has a doormat for her birds" lol
Oh my gosh! I the funniest thing to tell you lol. I turned the light off in the coop yesterday becasue of how warm it was and I wasn't going to turn it on till after dark. They were all afraid of the dark!!!! Even the BIG rooster lol.
I thought you are supposed to add the extra light at the beginning of the day, not the end! If the light goes out suddenly, no wonder they get scaredÑcan't see in the dark. If they roost naturally at sunset (even if its at 5 p.m.) they can just get up earlier!

I started making oatmeal for my girls and the two banty boys too. Now they see me coming with the oatmeal pot and they jump up and down. Too funny!
CHAPTER 39- More rain!

The lights stayed, which was a good thing. The biggest little rooster enjoyed looking out at the lights from his warm roost surrounded by beautiful Ladies. Unfortunately, the rain didn’t stop. Well, it had stopped long enough for their waterfront coop to not be waterfront anymore, but not long enough to dry up the mud.
The little hurt girl had healed fine, and was still escaping her run everyday. The humanlady was letting the Ladies out everyday, rain or shine because their run was so wet and disgusting.
The escapee stayed away from the Ladies for the most part. There were times she couldn’t help herself, and would get close to see what they were doing. It never failed, one of the Ladies would give her a peck, and she’d run. One day, the biggest little rooster came running at her from a distance. His head was down and he was charging like a football player. The girl stood her ground, wondering why he was charging at her. The biggest little rooster stopped a foot from the girl. He stared at her. She couldn’t imagine what was going through his head. She gave him a stern look, and walked away. The biggest little rooster went back to his Ladies.
The girls and little WeeMan didn’t seem to mind the mud. There was one area of their run that was flooded, and the biggest little rooster watched as the girls ran through the puddle. The water was almost up to the top of their legs. They made splish splash sounds that had them giggling. Little WeeMan didn’t have a desire to splash through the puddles, but he did enjoy watching the girls.
The biggest little rooster thought they were silly. They had a good area to run in, and they chose to run thru the water. Even though the girls were the same age as him, he thought they were babies.
The girls thought the biggest little rooster was a silly old coot. They liked splashing through the puddle. The mud at the bottom squished between their toes and almost tickled. It was fun to try to run fast through the puddle, because the water made it difficult to run.

The days went by quickly for everyone. For the humans, it was “the holiday season”, with a lot of shopping. The girls and little WeeMan spent the days alternately playing in the rain, and hiding from it. The Ladies and the biggest little rooster spent their days roaming the yards.
About a month before, the humanlady had gotten out the cool red riding toy, and in the font yard, left a strip of cut grass and leaves. She couldn’t finish because of the rain. The biggest little rooster found this strip, and he and the Ladies were having a blast digging and scratching to find goodies underneath.
They also found some special fun in the mulch around the trees. The Ladies and the biggest little rooster looked so proud of themselves as they scratched and threw the mulch several feet from its original position.
The rod in front of the house was a busy one, and there was a stoplight. There were many rolling human carriers out there. The biggest little rooster almost felt like a movie star, the way people pointed at him and his Ladies and smiled. He’d stand especially tall when the cars were stopped for the traffic light. He’d strut around his Ladies looking very important.
The girls would admit the biggest little rooster looked handsome. But they decided that even though Little WeeMan wasn’t as handsome, they were glad he was on their side. When he was part of their group, the biggest little rooster did take care of them. But his eye was always on the Ladies.
The girls thought of Little WeeMan as their flock leader. The Ladies thought the biggest little rooster was just a man to love. Poor biggest little rooster wasn’t aware that no one really considered him the leader anymore, except himself.

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