The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

Good story!

So do you plan on making anything special for the birds for Christmas ?
I was planning on making those pineconey peanutbutter seed things so the girls could help make them. Still undecided tho.
I'd like to make pinecone treats, but I dont have any pinecones. I'd go on a pinecone hunt, but it's been raining so much the past few weeks, I really don't want to go find any. I'll probably make birdie bread for them
Birdie bread? and we have a recipe to share? lol
We don't have any pine cones either.. forgot I fed them to the
peanut butter birdseed balls I

Mix the cornbread mix as directed on the package.
Add an extra egg (egg shells also) and 1 c. frozen mixed vegetables.
Bake as directed on package.


1 package Jiffy cornbread mix
3 eggs with the shell
1/3 cup of milk
1 1/2 cup of mixed veggies or fruits
1/2 cup cheddar cheese
1 cup broccoli ( or birds favorite veggie)
Combine the Jiffy cornbread mix, eggs with the shells and milk and beat well. Add fresh or thawed frozen veggies. Add broccoli that has been finely chopped in a food processor. Stir together. Add the cheese and stir. Pour into an 8x8 cooking pan and bake at 400 degrees until golden brown.

Did you see the post I added in this forum about the BLR getting stuck?
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I feel so bad them with all that rain. But then again my birdies are getting iced on, their whole run is like an ice rink. I'm gonna try that birdie bread and see what they think. My RIR tried to fly over the fence to come and get me when I was fixing the dog kennel yesterday! She loves it when I came and see her and I guess she just couldn't take seeing me on the other side of the fence lol. Seperation anxiety?
I'm sitting here listening to the rain fall. It's a dark and dreary day, but the Christmas tree is lit, bringing a little warmth. Shoes are off, and feet propped up. Judge Marilyn of The Peoples Court is giving someone a dress down. All is good....
Then the extremely hairy creature( who is not so extremely hairy right now because DD got her a haircut), she jumps up on the back of the sofa, and looks out the window. She gave a little bark, and then started growling.
So I get up from the comfy of the sofa, and I peek out the window. I don't see any humans out there. The neighbors have an outside dog, with a nice big fenced in run. I didn't hear that dog barking, so I figured it was nothing. But wait- what's that?
The biggest little rooster was on the fence of the dog run, crowing his little heart out. I threw boots on, and looked, and yup, he was still up there crowing. I grabbed the camera, and opened the door. Of COURSE, because I had camera ready, he was no longer on the fence. Nope, he was IN the dog run.
Now, you know the biggest little rooster is afraid to jump. He takes several minutes to get courage to jump onto the higher roost, and all he needs to do is step, not jump.
So there he is, running around the dog run, trying to figure out how to get out. Luckily, the dog was in its doghouse, sleeping. Or maybe hiding.
The biggest little rooster kept looking up . He knew he'd have to jump. He chickens out. He runs back and forth along the fence. I guess he was thinking a magical gate would open.
He finally got up enough courage, and jumped on the fence and then down to the outside. Came running looking like it was perfectly normal to be stuck in a dog run.
Awww poor guy! And you know, if you were to have gone in there to get him, he woulda freaked out worse! Glad to hear he's okay, not too terribly traumatized. How's the dog doing? still scared? lol
CHAPTER 40- The Ladies get NAMES!!!!! ( and More rain!)

Even though he was not considered a leader, the Ladies thought the biggest little rooster was tops. The girls also knew that he was tops. But the girls thought little WeeMan was number one, for them.
The biggest little rooster was actually quite aware of what they thought. He tried a few times to dance for the girls, but the girls just weren’t interested. That was actually a relief to the biggest little rooster. He had his dreams fulfilled- he had the Ladies. The girls were like sisters to him. It was also easier to be a big brother to them than to be their leader. Especially since he was in a different coop.
His only big decision during the day was which Lady to snuggle first. He would look around at them trying to decide. And that’s how the Ladies got names- Eenie, Meenie, Miney and Moa (Moa had already been named).
Now, if things would just get warmer, or at least drier, life would be perfect. The biggest little rooster, and everyone else, was getting a little bit tired of the rain. It was starting to get on everyone’s last nerve. The Ladies run was almost completely underwater:

The little ones had more run space. Only a small part of their run was underwater:

They had places to be up out of the water:

And places where there really wasn’t any water:

The good news was that the Ladies and the biggest little rooster got to roam the yards all day. There were plenty of dry areas with green grass.

Even so, they were getting on each other’s nerve sometimes. The biggest little rooster noticed that the Ladies were picking on each other at times. He found that if he walked away, they would forget about fighting and follow him. Mostly they all stayed together, but at times one of the Ladies would go off by herself. The only one who didn’t get any alone time was the biggest little rooster. He didn’t think that as a reason to complain, though. After all, he had pretty Ladies by his side.
Little WeeMan was taking more notice of the Ladies. The girls were prettier, but the Ladies were.. different somehow. Sometimes he tried to do his little dance for the Ladies, but it never went beyond that because they were on the other side of the fence. The Ladies thought he was a cute kid.
Every so often, the biggest little rooster would try to challenge little WeeMan. They would both try to look the biggest by fluffing out their feathers. There was nothing to gain from the challenges- they were separated by a fence. They were roosters; it was their job to try to look tough to each other.
One day, the rain finally stopped. The ladies were able to step off their deck without being in water up to their thighs. They were still allowed out of their run, and still enjoyed their day roaming the yards. They no longer hid under the neighbor’s deck. They were able to roam around and not get too wet.
Late in the day, there was a bright light, so bright it hurt the biggest little rooster’s eyes. What was it? Could it be? YES! It was the sun!

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