The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

I sent my laptop in to be fixed, and I don't like hubby's computer. Plus, I'm attempting to prepare myself to be in the BYC Quitters Club.( smoking, that is- Can't quit the BYC addiction) So anyway, the story is on hold ( cause it's on my laptop LOL). Time for a side story:

Flogging, Flogging, and more Flogging....

I started off very much afraid of chickens in general. They peck, chase, bite, peck, peck. When my daughter had chickens at age 16, I swore they sharpened their little beaks. When they saw me, their eyes would turn an evil red and they would come running at me with their sharpened beaks. I carried a broom, and ran.
Then my husband got chickens, and the only time I went near them was when they were in a dog crate in my living room till they feathered out. The only other time I went near them was to get them out of the run when the coop was on fire.
Fast forward 5 years, and he has chickens again. I'm not afraid of them. They are cute when they come running at me. Even when they peck or bite, it's no big deal. But roosters- they are another story. I didn't want to keep ANY roosters. Hubby insisted on keeping 1. Little WeeMan well, no one wants the poor ugly guy, so we have him also.
I have a slight fear of the roosters. Living with the biggest little rooster has made me not terrified of them, but he stands over 2 feet tall- so I'm still a little scared.
The biggest little rooster had ran at me just once. Now we basically have an understanding- he leaves me alone, I leave him alone.
Little WeeMan has gotten me a few times. And in the past week, has gotten me almost every day - but that part comes later.

Last week, the hubby was outside. I believe he was getting food for the chickens. The biggest little rooster and the Ladies were out running around. Hubby had complained that both roosters had come at him the last time he was near them.
So, I'm inside doing something in the kitchen when the hubby runs in. He was saying something about the rooster attacking him. He said he dropped the eggs. I asked him if he wanted me to save him from the biggest little rooster, and he said YES. So, I went outside. On the ground was the bowl of eggs. I spoke to the biggest little rooster, and he ran off into the neighbors yard while hubby got their water.
What a complete role reversal. Hubby running from the rooster, and me saving the day. He wasn't scared- he just didn't like being attacked.
Little WeeMan has taken to attacking almost every day. The first time it happened, I had a plastic bag of greens, so I assumed it was the bag that startled him. He only attacks when I am bringing in food. He does actually hurt. I swore I was going to have a bruise on my thigh from him.
For Christmas, hubby got me a little movie camera, so I can take movies of the chickens. Isn't he sweet? I was outside taping the 2 chcikens who had escaped. They came running to me. The past me would have run like the wind, but the new me giggles. I walk backwards to the run, taping them following me.
I had some bread in my pocket. I was throwing pieces to get the chickens away from the gate, so the loose ones would come in. I wasn't really paying attention to where the camera was focused.
When you watch the movie, you see little WeeMan put his head down, feathers almost standing straight out, then he runs like a football payer off the bottom of the screen. Then you see him flying backwards. Not once, not twice, but six times the scene repeats itself. Then I leave the pen. I went back into the pen immediately, and followed him around. He avoided me.
Ya know what? I'm not afraid of roosters anymore!!!!
My rooster is a BO named Stumpy, and lately he's been a bit feisty. I've had to launch him twice, he didn't like it at all (doesn't hurt him physically, but definitely bruises his ego!). He came at me four times the other afternoon and finally I got my foot under him and sent him flying. He ran away from me, and I started to walk away, but I sensed him coming at me again - I spun around, stared him right in the eye and walked purposefully towards him, telling him loudly that he'd better not! He literally began to whimper and dropped his head to the side and ran away. The whole afternoon he never mounted one hen with me around. I guess I got through for another day with him, but he'll be back!
lol FINALLY!! Someone else understands what I go through on a daily basis!!
It's not so much a fear of them, it's just that doggone it! I'm tired of having to bring out the stick every single time I go out there! I'm to the point where I wont go on that side of the yard. I'm so afraid that I will end up killing popcorn. If I do, I'll be the one having to stand outside, watching the sky for hawks. Um, I dont enjoy having to do that, so I think I will let popcorn live. Everytime I've turned my new (yay me) camera to the yard, you can see that idiot, er rooster, come straight at me. If I turn my back, there's that thump to the fence, guess who! lol
LOL skand. I do have a "rooster stick". I use it more to have space around me when the girls crowd around for their treat when I am trying to put their bowl down. I, too sometimes worry that I might react too harshly and hurt one of them.
I think thats what little WeeMan is doing to hubby- charging the fence every time he goes by.
Popcorn is gonna be popcorn chicken.. and skand will be the new hawk-lookout
lol Was telling Jim about what I said, he told me, "nope, you wont look for hawks, you'd be looking for some other place to live if ya kill my bird!" That figures. I go, rooster stays. Awww love..hehehe Its for the birds!
Just pick them up and tuck a roo under your arm like a football. They might yell and wiggle a bit but just stay calm and tell them you are the boss and they'll get down when you decide, not before. They stay nice for a bit after that and then it'll be time to pick them up again...Some roo's are much better than a lot others.
I have spent more time toting popcorn around then I've spent hand feeding the ungrateful bird. He still wont learn. So instead, I had to. lol We have a mutual, dun mess with me and I will jump at you on the other side of the fence. lol
CHAPTER 41. Sunshine, and holidays

The biggest little rooster was so excited to see the sun. It ended up staying sunny, or at least not raining for better than a week. Even in the sun, the biggest little rooster and the Ladies were let out every day. It took almost four days for their run to dry out.
The day the rain stopped, as it was getting to be close to time to go to bed, the biggest little rooster started hearing a lot of sirens. The humanlady was outside with the camera. She kept going in and out of the human coop. The Ladies were quite interested in seeing what all the excitement was. Even though it wasn’t dark yet, the colored lights were all turned on. The Ladies thought the colored lights were very pretty.
The biggest little rooster wanted to wait to see what all the sirens were about, but it was starting to get a little dark by now. He just couldn’t wait any longer to go into the coop. But he did roost close to the window so he could look out. The Ladies reluctantly came into the run, but watched as they got their before bed snack. Just as they were ready to go into the coop, they saw it. It was a big fire truck, driving very slowly. On the back, up high on a chair was a white-haired man in a red suit. Oh, it was the same guy they had a picture of by their pop door. Santa Clause! They saw Santa Clause!

Two days later, the humanlady told them that Santa Clause was coming. That didn’t make sense to the biggest little rooster. Santa already came on the fire truck. The pretty colored lights had to be left on all night so Santa could find them. They didn’t see Santa, but in the middle of the night, the human children came. First the human rooster arrived. The biggest little rooster liked the rooster boy, because he was funny and had a nice red comb. A short while later the little bantam girl arrived. The biggest little rooster didn’t like her. She chased the chickens around. The car lights, and people in and out woke all the chickens. Little WeeMan started crowing. The biggest little rooster crowed in response. Little WeeMan crowed again (“Go away humans, I’m trying to sleep”). The biggest little rooster crowed again (“ hush WeeMan, I’m trying to sleep”).

The biggest little rooster decided he didn’t like “the holidays”. All this hoopla for the past few months about Santa, and the only thing they got from Santa’s visit was heavy eyelids from lack of sleep. He humanlady had visitors, and slept half the day. The neighbors went away and didn’t leave treats. Two days after Santa day, the humans took the fatcat on a ride in the rolling human carrier. They came back a few minutes later and buried the fatcat next to the medium little rooster. The biggest little rooster hoped he never had to go to the big farm in the sky. Even though he didn’t actually get along with the fatcat, he was going to miss him.

The days were going by. The humanlady said that each day was getting a little longer. It sure didn’t seem like it. Then humanlady said it was going to be a “New Year”, and that she was going to kick her bad habit. The biggest little rooster looked at the humanlady as she spoke. He wondered if the humanlady realized he had no clue what she was talking about. He didn’t know what “smoking stinky butts” means, but he could see the humanlady was nervous. He figured maybe he ought to just give her a break, and keep away until she acted normal again.
The humanguy was letting them all out in the mornings. Since the biggest little rooster had made a resolution to leave the humanlady alone, he decided on a new game. His new game was “Run at the humanguy”. The biggest little rooster liked this game. The humanguy did NOT. The biggest little rooster got bored with “run at” and added “Jump” to his chase-the-humanguy game. He had great fun one day, playing chase from the coop all the way to the deck. The humanguy even dropped the bucket of eggs he was carrying.
The biggest little rooster was in trouble. The humanguy went into the house and told the humanlady that he was going to make biggest little rooster soup. The humanlady came out and glared at the biggest little rooster. She said “ Listen here, big guy. I’m not afraid of you. And I’m very unhappy with you. You broke half the eggs. And humanguy is talking about making you into soup.”
“ I like you, you silly rooster. But if you keep attacking, I WILL allow you to become soup”.
The biggest little rooster saw how the humanlady was admiring his drumsticks, and got scared. He ducked his head down, turned, and ran. Maybe he shouldn’t play chase anymore.
Awesome!!!! So detailed, what do you do? Take notes? So much happens with all the birds here each day, I get confused on who did what where and when, within minutes! The only thing I always remember is Popcorn, lol But he's so dependable on what he's gonna do, who can forget. lol
Great job, as always.
hee hee, I dunno, I think I need a life. Somehow I remember what the silly chickens do, but cannot remember why I walked into the kitchen.
Even I can tell you what popcorn will do- run at the fence, growl at skand. Make innocent face for Jim. Give skand the stinkeye.

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