The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

oh he throws stuff at me too.
Let me see if I can find his picture of him doing it.. lol

But, he'll eat off a spoon for me and not Jim.

Now isnt that hilarious!
Oh, my- a rooster that throws things! Keep him away from sharp or pointy objects!! That first picture he sure is giving a mean look! Wow!
So, you don't need a rooster stick, you just need a spoon to hypnotize and tame popcorn. If all else fails, thump him on the head with it!
See the magic purple spoon? I swear he now has a indentation on the side of his comb from that spoon!
He does just like a boxer when ya smack him, he'll stop, shake his head, reorient hisself, come right back at me for more!
Thought the saying was you cant teach an old dog new tricks? Should be, cant teach popcorn to be nice!
LOL, so if there is ever a description needed of popcorn- it would be the bold rooster with the spoon indentation on his comb.
Maybe you need a bigger spoon...
crap.... the story ends suddenly, and badly...
I'll write it up later, but.. The biggest little rooster is gone....
I wish.. unfortunately, he is now buried next to his twin brother..

wegotchickens.. that cat in your avatar looks just like our Bozo FatCat, who passed away 2 weeks ago
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NO Way!!! ugh,,, crap.. want a replacement? A big white one by any chance?
Oh we do have a buff orp roo that is just now figuring out he cant lay an egg. lol

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