The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

I am soooo sorry
I hope things start calming down for you.
oh, he's been warned already!!! In fact, I told him they were coming before LilBizzy decided if she wanted to continue the story, or have breakfast for dinner. lol
Hee hee, I'm actually very excited. I have been thinking about getting an incubator, to hatch some little biggest little rooster babies. I mentioned it to the hubby and he agreed. Of course he would agree, these chickens were his idea. I take care of them..

So, I'll probably be getting an incubator. I'll see what 2nd generation WeeMans look like. But I can't do a first hatch with the biggest little roosters kids. I don't wanna mess up.

I so hope that something will hatch. The biggest little rooster would love to have a Texan cowboy son. Or a cowgirl daughter. And living with skand and the1much.. popcorn,and tinkertoy, and Dapper Dan...Oh, I think the second generation story will end up so much more interesting.
It's given me hope, that the story doesn't have to end just because the main character is no longer with us.
but darn, I'll miss him...

and LOL @ skand already planning for the eggs, even before I totally made up my mind.. They are going to be in great hands.. Auntie Skand LOL
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oh you have no idea of what I'm already planning.
Somewhere along the lines of... Hey mommabiz, we made it just fine to our new home, didnt get to see a lot of the scenery,,, lol

Jim's already been told to start the new pen...
Oh, my should I pack something of mine in the box? So it smells like me? Like you do with a puppy that is going to a new home.. LOL

Thats so nice of Jim to volunteer to make a new pen. Tell him they like purple. I'll make sure to tell the little ones to be nice to him.

Oh, the story will continue!!
Oh! I only caught up from chapter 35 just now....I had tears in my eyes for Biggest Little Rooster!

Great reading...sad but lovely story....good work Lilbizzy And Skand, you've been there since the beginning....
Would you be open to a suggestion? Besides sending some of the eggs fertilized by little biggest, put some in your own incubator. The eggs will be fertile for a couple weeks, at least, and tho you aren't an experienced hatcher, shipped/mailed eggs have a real rough time sometimes, so you might get some hatched, while if they are handled roughly in the mail, some/all of the shipped ones might not hatch. Just a thought. Sure sorry about the little guy.
I currently don't have an incubator. Another forum member graciously offered to let me borrow an incubator, and if that pans out, I will definately attempt to incubate some eggs. But I'll also send some to skand. We'll double the chances of getting some little offspring

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