The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

hahaha write me a note and let me know which one's what, then when they hatch, I'll try my hardest to mark them. lol
Judy, you can keep them in the fridge (in carton to block from lights and drafts) for 7-10 days safely. You have to keep them tilted and change sides at least twice a day, to keep the yolks from settling to the shell.
The bator is set up and running.. We're getting ready...
That's the hula costume that won the Halloween contest. The top, instead of coconuts- is a walnut.
WeeMan has hardly crowed since. The Ladies have scattered all over, as if they don't know where to go, because they have no one to follow. One of the Ladies found a good spot to eat, and gave the little "Come here I found good food" call. It does seem as if they are going their own way, and not staying in a group. At night, I think the only thing different is they don't have to push the biggest little rooster out of the way. He always went into bed first ( that fear of the dark) and would plop himself at the top of the ramp ( cause he was afraid to jump). So far, they really aren't acting too odd. But they will when they realize he isn't coming back.
I went a few months without a roo and hated it. The hens wouldn't stay together and it made it hard to check on them as they free-ranged. Also, they went beyond their normal boundaries. I will always have a roo from now on. Even as they transition to a new one I see more unity and organization in my backyard flock.

Right now I have 2, a banty & a standard. It's been interesting watching when both flocks range together. TN is the banty, and a momma's boy, but he thinks he should rule both flocks. Cocky little guy! Fozzy Frizzle gets out of his way!!!
You are right- the Ladies are not staying together, they are scattered. BUT, they aren't going further than usual. The biggest little rooster was the one who'd take them on adventures to other yards. It will be hard to know where they are though, because the biggest little rooster would always crow when they got too far away. And little WeeMan would answer back.

Fozzy Frizzle- cute name.( I want a few frizzles someday) I guess chickens are like dogs- the smaller ones think they are alot bigger than they actually are.
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