The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

In writing the story of the Biggest Little Rooster, I had looked toward the future, and I had hoped that in the spring, one of the Ladies would decide to go broody, and I could keep the Biggest Little Rooster story alive with his babies. I'd really have liked to see him as a dad. Things don't always go as planned.
So, when Plan A fails, it's time to move on to plan B.
I haven't named it yet, but this will be a new story, and hopefully it will not be a short story.

Chapter 1- New Beginings
The very sudden, unexpected death of the biggest little rooster brought some sadness to the flock, and all the humans who knew him. There were so many people on the forum who had followed the story of the biggest little rooster. He had truly affected many people.
The Ladies did not seem to be horribly affected by the loss of their man. Yes, they missed him. Little WeeMan was trying to do a dance for the Ladies from his side of the fence. They were NOT impressed. Little WeeMan was not, and would never be THEIR rooster. They had given their hearts to the biggest little rooster, and they didn't think they would ever find another rooster to love.
Little WeeMan still had his girls. Nothing had changed there. He knew the Ladies wouldn't ever be part of his flock. They were very independant. He knew they were modern women. They'd like to have a guy around, but they didn't NEED one.
The humans missed the biggest little rooster the most. It was all to quiet in the morning without his crow. They had hoped to see the biggest little rooster with a family of his own. They had to do something to carry on his legacy.
The Ladies would continue to lay fertile eggs for another week or so. The humanlady (Mamma D) decided to gather up the Ladies eggs, and see if they could get incubated. Several fans of the biggest little rooster had incubators and volunteered to try hatching some eggs. It was decided that the eggs would be shipped to Auntie S- a little over 1800 miles away in Texas.
Mamma D. wanted the Ladies to be able to meet some of their offspring, so they went out and bought an incubator. Alot of research, and they got it set up, and got the temps and humidity settled.
The front of the bator has pictures of Mamma D's 2 successful hatchings- the rooster human, and the bantam human. Sitting atop the bator is the little fuzzy chick from Milwaukee, and the lil Bizzy look-alike. Next to the bator is the dancing pink chicken, and the big white chicken in the hula costume that won the haloween contest. With all those good vibes surrounding the bator, the hatch should go well.

The Ladies were slacking a little with their egg laying. They even managed to lay one egg on the floor of the coop, and it got stepped on. The humanguy was so excited about having babies, he couldn't wait for the Ladies to lay more. Mamma D really wanted to wait until the others got to Texas. But the humanguy won out, and mamma D. placed four egs into the incubator.

Meanwhile, a box was packed up, and eggs carefully bubble-wrapped and set in packing peanuts. It was marked as fragile, and went off for shipping. There will be pictures of the box after it gets to Auntie S- what's written on the box to ensure safe handling is going to be a surprise.

The whole house was in a tizzy. The extremely hairy 4 legged creature and her sidekick, the tiny little furry creature with the sharp claws kept following Mamma D. into the chick room (as it was now being called). They couldn't understand why she kept saying " We're gonna have babies". It didn't sound good to them.
Little WeeMan was a tad bit jealous. He wanted to have babies also. Mamma D. told him he better shape up, or he'd never lve to see his babies. She had sent 2 of his babies to Auntie S. also.
Everyone realized there was something exciting on the horizon.....
I hardly slept last night at all. I really wanted to thro the alarm clock out the window. Work was alright- everyone was so glad to see me back. And it was real cool that the 2 departments are fighting over me. Nice to be wanted/needed. I have a headache though..

Eggs were shipped out today. i think there are 8 from the biggest little rooster and 2 of WeeMans. Would have liked to send more but... And hubby couldnt wait. We have 4 in the bator. I wanted to set them the same day you set yours, but..
awwwww YAY! Oh hurry up little french box! (french as in.. frah-gee-lay) lol
Did you tell him "to texas... and get a move on" ? lol
So they will be slightly older! Aint no biggie, excitement always wins out. LOL We've been known to toss out some perfectly good guinea eggs that were 4 days from hatching, just to make room for cool chicken eggs that coulda waited. lol Okay, it only happened once. lol And we didnt need any more guineas, they were just to see if the bator worked.
I just hope that at least 2 of my 4 hatch. I hope the eggs get to you safely.. oh, Im more nervous than when my kids started driving!!
wuhoo I still have at least 10 more years before that begins to enter the picture! the 4 year old started crying today when she realized after elem comes jr high, then high school then college... But momma! I'm scared to go to college!!
Two years ago, when my daughter turned 25, I said. Wow, thats only 5 years from 30- and it made her cry LOL
Poor little one, worried about college at her age . Just remind her college is alot like grade school- except you are old enough to drive.
Oh Lil Bizzy, I'm so sorry.

I hope your hatch goes well, my first attempt at hatching resulted in 12 out of 19 hatching, so I hope you have MUCH success!

I will miss the Biggest Little Rooster! Such a fun guy.....
Yes, he is going to be missed. There is no chicken love story without the main character. But between my 4 eggs and the 8 sent to skand, I'm sure we'll get at least a few offspring. ( I know, don't count your chickens before they are hatched LOL- but even if we get a 25% hatch rate.....)
It stinks- he avoided two big brown monster attacks, and then he goes and jumps into a dog pen. He had to be showing off for the Ladies. I can't think of any other reason why he'd jump in there.
Luckily there is no darkness on the other side of the rainbow bridge- cause he's scared of the dark.
Look what americana-chick drew for me. Isn't this cute? I like the eyes, well the eye- and face-it really shows expression.

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