The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

Dear MammaD, Just a little note to let you know that we all arrived super safe. Thanks for the wonderful packing job, and notes to let the mailmanlady get us there all in one pieces, since there's so many of us.
So far looks like we are the only ones showing up today, so we'll be okay.
Dont worry bout us, Auntie S. won't even let the princessbantam help take our coats off.
Write you again soon.
Little Orphaned Eggs.
I'm so glad they got there safely! Yeah!!!
LOL@ taking their coats off.

So, I really needed these eggs to arrive safely. There is mixed advice as to whether or not to mark the box. I decided to make the box be handled safely. I figured the bright orange paper would get attention, and anyone handling the box would just be way too curious to not read it. Here is how I marked the box:




I don't know what happened - I must have forgotten to take a picture of the last side. I dont remember what it said- Something about the biggest little rooster counting on them to handle his babies safely- I don't remember , but you get the gist LOL

I'm just waiting to hear from skand to make sure none were cracked..
Dear MammaD,
Well, today is day two of our spa treatment. After the rough treatment by the giant guy putting us in the 'racks', we're finally relaxing.
We spent the first day getting comfortable with the new surroundings. AuntieS told us how our dad/uncle was really afraid of the dark, and how he was afraid of heights. So she put us in the very back, at the bottom, where we could feel safe.
Tomarrow is a big day for us, we're growing so much everyday. Makes us really tired really quick, so we're going to go to sleep.
Good night,
Lil Orphaned Eggs.
Hello to our cowboy siblings! We are nestled in a warm little box. Our little ends are in little seats that rock us back and forth to sleep. I think Uno is afraid of being rocked. And Dos seems afraid of the dark too. Tres is extremely content. Now me, ( quatro) I'm not afraid of the dark. I'm afraid of the light. Every time the light goes on, a big face appears in the window and it looks goofy at us. I'm getting used to the sounds it makes. The sounds aren't scary. I think it's the mama, but it doesnt cluck. We're so glad Auntie S is taking good care of ya. Hope Auntie isn't as nervous as the mama.
Your East Coast sibs!
Dear Auntie, siblings/cousins,
That face peered in the window again last night. And there was another face too. BIG hands reached into our warm little home, and grabbed out Uno. If I wasn't just a few cells big, I'd have screamed. After a minute or so, the roof lifted, Uno was put back, and Dos was taken. Uno seemed fine. I got REALLY scared when Dos was put back, and Tres was taken out. I had a feeling I'd be next.
Sure enough, I saw Tres coming back, and that big hand came towards me. It actually was very gentle with me. I was held over this very bright light, and the scary face and the hand were both excited. They kept saying " Look, there, a vein". I think they like me alot.
Guess what? They wrote something on my head ( it made little waves inside the shell, I almost felt seasick), and then.. they put SIX more of us in there. So now, after me, (cuatro), there is Cinco, Seis, Siete, Ocho, Nueve and Deiz. It's still not crowded in here, even though we now have houseguests. I wonder how long they will stay.
Hope y'all are keeping warm,
The East Coast kids
And here you are, naming them names Jim told me I couldnt do anymore of.. All of the game birds have spanish names, Miho, Blanca, Roho, Roha, Poncho.... I want to name the new one Diablo.. but he says it's bad customer relations... As in, they might take offense.. lol Aint my fault the homes where they came from only spoke spanish... I'm making them feel comfortable. lol

Tomarrow is our big light test.. yayayyy!!
We're keeping the long crowers seperate, dont want to cause any confusion. lol Our game roos are changing thier crows since they can hear the other crowing different. lol
Chapter 43- The Ladies, The girls, The WeeMan

Ever since the biggest little rooster lost his battle with the hairy monster, things had changed quite a bit. Change can be a good thing, or it can be scary, or exciting, or any combination of emotions.
The Ladies were still let out almost every day, but they had no one to find good food for them. They had to hunt for goodies themselves. That was no big deal- they didn't mind foraging for themselves. And when any one of them found something good, they called to the others. Since they weren't all following the biggest little rooster around, they actually split up, and covered more ground.
They sure did miss him at night though. He had a big body, and it threw off alot of heat. So he kept them warm. It had ben extra cold this past week. They sure could have used him.
Even though they ran around the yards looking happy, they did miss the biggest little rooster. Their little hearts ached for him. They really missed his antics, his soft clucks, his loving looks. They missed everything about him.

The girls missed him also. Ever since he was gone, little WeeMan has been acting like a stupid turd. He was being rough with them. In just a week’s time, some of them had lost quite a few feathers from WeeMan’s roughness.

The two girls who escaped the run from time to time were now escaping every day. Their backs were sore. They preferred getting pecked and chased by the Ladies to getting jumped on by little WeeMan.

The little WeeMan was acting like a kid at college- out of control with no "adults" around. He wasn't sure WHY he was acting this way. He just couldn't help himself. He was angry. He was taking it out on the girls, and the humans. He was being rough with the girls again. He had promised the biggest little rooster he would be gentle, but there was no one to scold him if he wasn't.
The girls still followed him somewhat. He was the leader now. No one could stop him. He didn't care if the girls didn't like him- sometimes leaders were not liked. But they do what they have to do. Being a leader isn't winning a popularity contest.
Little WeeMan wasn't sure why he was challenging the humans. Every time they came near, he ran at them.

The humanlady came into the run to show him she was boss, and he charged her again and again. She kicked at him one time, and managed to fall on her butt. The girls ran toward her, to help her, but she told them to stay away. She grabbed a stick. Little WeeMan didn't care. He ran at her anyway, and got hit with the stick. The humanlady got up, and WeeMan charged again. She chased him again, grabbed at him. But he wasn't going to let her get him. He was the leader. And he was angry.
The humanlady knew that maybe little WeeMan was upset over the biggest little rooster’s death. There were no chicken therapists, though. She couldn't take chance of WeeMan getting out and hurting someone. Little WeeMan's days were numbered...

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