The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

Well, it just sounded fancier than calling them by numbers. I do remember something from my Spanish class in high school- a very, very VERY long long time ago.
If ya want them to feel comfortable, tell them to Press "2"...

Light test YAY! Hope everyone passes!
I think we should send him and popcorn to some sort of niceness camp...If it wasnt for Jim dealing with him, popcorn woulda done freezer camp this
Weeman, smarten up!
Well ya know what they say, The meanest Roosters taste the best.

Did you get a hatcher as well as the incubator. Cause if you added eggs during your hatch how do you plan on bumping the humitity and hatching when you have eggs due a week later? Cause on the 18th day you stop turning and boost the huminity and then you don't open that bator, till the hatch is over. Hope I didn't confuse ya.
I have been reading the posts for the last three days (it takes a while to get through 41 PAGES of posts!!!).
I was so SAD to read the final chapter about the biggest little rooster!!!

LilBizzy - you have a wonderful talent for story telling!!! I was kept mesmorized by your story. It was easy for me to "picture" your story (even without your wonderful pictures!!!) I hope that you continue to write -- you may have a real future as an author for children (or even adults!!!).

I am happy to read that you and skand are trying to hatch BLR's chicks!!! Good Luck on hatching!!!!

Thanks for sharing Biggest Little Rooster with all of us!!! What a gift!!

Zookeeper: Yup, I understand ya. And no, I didnt get a hatcher. I have to figure out how to handle the staggered hatch. I'll come up with something.

skand.. Thats IT! our moneymaker!! Juvie for roosters! Boot camp ( cause we use boots to make them fly). You can hold the magical purple head thumper!

#1 Cal Chick- Yes, the stor ended much too soon. I really never expected him to do something so darn stupid. I'm glad you enjoyed the story- wish it could have been a happier ending. But it hasn't ended, really. I wished that I had started the story when he was still a baby, but he didnt inspire me till the one day he was longing for the Ladies.
So now, I'll have babies to start the new story. It should be fun- babies in Maryland and Texas. And I don't know how big the cast of characters will be!

The question is.. the Ladies don't get along with the girls. But, Will the Ladies get along with the babies? Because it's their babies...
And will the Texas crew think they are longcrowers? Will they have feathers on their heads? So many questions to be answered. The story will go on...
Nonetheless, you are a GREAT storyteller!!! Your story has lots of "heart". (Amazing given the fact that your didn't want chickens!!)

I hope that you write more about your chicken adventures!! Please keep writing!!

#1California Chick :

Nonetheless, you are a GREAT storyteller!!! Your story has lots of "heart". (Amazing given the fact that your didn't want chickens!!)

I hope that you write more about your chicken adventures!! Please keep writing!!


Hee hee- I resisted as long as I could. I really did NOT like chickens. I think if I just had the girls, I might still not like chickens. But the Ladies, and the biggest little rooster- and 20,000 enablers here made me change my mind.

I'm still writing. Journaling the babies in the bator, and will have new stories from day 1 of hatch.. As they explore new things, the stories should be good..​
Dear Texas Family,
Are you guys bored? I'm finding life in the egg to be somewhat boring. I want to get out, and have adventures! I'm hearing stories about my daddy and life on the outside, and I can't wait to get out.
The Face appeareard again today ( Its getting to be a daily thing, for sure) And the hand took us out 1 by 1 and held us against the light. Uno has light veins and there is no distinctive form in the middle of the darkness. Dos has dark thick veins, but can't see him forming. Tres has thin veins, but Mamma D ( The FACE) was excited to see a little dark shape moving. When she saw me, she almost started dancing. I have thick veins, and I was swimming laps around the egg. ( I TOLD ya I was bored). Mamma D. likes my swimming. I have to get all my excercise now, because soon my little eggpartment will be too cramped. But if I excercise now, I will get strong. I'll need strength to bust out of here!
Does Auntie sing you songs? No? Mamma D doesn't either. What's up with that????
Al that swimming left me tired. Hope all is well in Texas!

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