The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

Dear Cuatro,
Life here has been somewhat noisy. Auntie S wont take those lil high pitched screeching and flapping noises out to what Mr.Scary calls the 'nursery'. Then, there's the white hairy four legged noises!!! They have this really loud chirp that Auntie S keeps telling them to shhs down, that the babies are sleeping and growing. Think she calls them DOGS-HUSH!
No, no songs from the ladyperson. The Princess Bantam tries her hardest to dance for us, but she's too short, and we're still in the back safe spot. She says she's taking us out tomarrow for something she calls a peepshow. The bigger Bantam sings to us, though. At least, she calls it singing. Good thing it's kind of a muffled sound, cause Auntie S tells her to stop with the "15 miles to the Eerie Canal"
Well, that's all the news for now from Texas, we're awful tired. Who knew growing would wear us down. Good thing we arent getting growing pains yet, the princess bantam is trying to grow, she's sore.
The Lil Orphan Eggs
Well, Little WeeMan is off to become food....
I know I'll miss him, a little. Very little, after all the attacking and his attitude lately. He left tonight, unaware of his fate.
Interesting thing though, oldchickenman took him, and oldchickenman got his chickens from the same person I got little WeeMan from. So, he'll be attending Freezer Camp For Wayward Roosters with some of his relatives.
The girls are probably going to be quite happy. Their backs will have time to heal. They are of the attitude " Who needs a man, anyway"
But, the little eggheads are doing well so far. The first 4 are set to hatch Feb.1. Then skands I think will hatch on Feb 4th, and then my other 6 are set to hatch the 7th.
Dear Auntie S, and the orphaned eggies,
Guess What? Chicken butt
Ha ha, thats supposed to be some sort of funny thing, but I don't get it. We're all getting bigger. Tres and I seem to be the more active ones still. Uno is a lazy little bugger. I know who I am going to be playing with when I get out. I've already decided I will be the top of the pecking order. Ever since I was only a few cells big, I wanted to be the Alpha. I may be named Cuatro, but I am number 1. When Mamma D. named us, she saved the best for last.
We have a dog-hush here too, except its name is Shut UP. There is a little grey fuzzy toy that moves and meows. It's name is Get OUT. I'm a bit confused because in the distance, I can hear some other creatures. They are amazing. They talk 3 languages- they meow like Get OUT, and they make bird sounds, but they also speak human language. I think I might prefer the comforts of my eggpartment.
What do you guys think? are you eggcited about breaking out into the world? We only have 11 days. Since we're coming out before you, we'll let ya know how it is..
Love, Cuatro
We'll miss ya Weeman, sleep well!

Dear Eas-SIIIIIIde!!!
Hola, Como se yama? Bien, usted. Si, bueno. Okay, Auntie S has been teaching us spanish. She says that's what most people speak around these here parts. She's also teaching us how to do the drawl-talk. We didnt get to do a light show last night, Mr.Bighands snuck in more eggs in front of us. So next week is our time. There's a tray off friends moving out monday, then another tuesday, wednesday, and I think we heard them say thursday too.
Goodness, I hope they dont forget about us! We want to see what's been talking to us all this time!!
Well, Auntie S says it's time for us to go back to sleep. We have busy days coming up.
the orphaned eggs

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