The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

Just dont let her teach ya fajita or enchilada!

Fresa Pollo!!! hahaha
Pollo el taco et dos cervezas por favor!
Fresh chicken
chicken taco and 2 beers, please!
That is too bad about WeeMan. You think he would have acted better since Biggest Little Rooster was gone, but I guess he just went buck wild.

I bet the girls will be glad that he's gone. Sounds like he was really tormenting them (and you!). I'm really glad you and Auntie Skand are keeping us updated on the babies!

This has really been an interesting story! Thanks for sticking with it.

Thank you for enjoying our mischief of late. Tellin ya.. those lil eggs make it all worthwhile to go through so much loss. At least this way, we can hopefully continue to enjoy not quite the caliber of adventures of the BLR, but help make some dent into what he left behind.
I've got kind of the same thing going on w/Black Beauty my EE roo, he's kind to me, but his hens are getting barebacked and I think its cause he's just too big for his hens while not gentle w/them. I've got two sets of chicks that have his son's and today, Black Beauty aka Conan the barbarian is going back to the Duck coop for a very long time cause I cannot put him in the freezer so far. I have high hopes of him strutting around the yard this summer, like a proud giant and am thinking he may need Jersey Giant hens...
There are three black sons of his half grown and at least one son who is younger from a BLRW hen that I'm hoping is a smart and gentlemanly guy when he grows up cause that's the one I'd like to keep-but will just have to see how they grow up. Its kind of scary for me to not have a roo in w/the hens to make more beautiful chicks...claustrophobic, even! But the ladies really need to grow their feathers back and not have any more damage! Besides, I'm hoping my banty Ee eggs and banty black orp eggs are waiting for me at the po today...going to see right now:) I don't feel bad for lil Wee man, when you find a really great roo, you don't waste your time w/the rotten ones! Now, if I could just get over Black Beauty or get him some giant ladies...he would have to rethink things if he had some Amazon women, right?
Snowy, how many hens do you have with Black Beauty? A roo can take care of about 20 hens, so if you have 3, or some such small amount, in with him, he is going to be mounting them way too many times per day. And, contrary to what is posted on here, except with a few exceptions perhaps, there are very few "gentle" roosters,when it comes to mating with the hens. Especially if he is bigger than the hens. The only way he can stay on there is to hang on to feathers at the back of their head (or their comb, if he grabs wrong, which usually bleeds on my Leghorns) and he has to stay on so he uses his claws to try to hang on, tearing out feathers, and tearing flesh sometimes, when the feathers are gone. If he is quite a bit bigger, roos have been known to cripple or break the back of a small hen. Will be good for your girls to get a rest, and would be much better, I would think, for you to get some JerseyGiants, or similiar, for him, or to add to the rest of your flock. Will give him more to do, without mating each individual hen so often.

Good Luck.
Can they become 1?

Since the death of their man, the Ladies did not explore the yards as a single unit. Being they had no rooster to follow, they generally just went their own way. Rarely were they all seen together.
Since their little WeeMan was taken off to Freezer Camp for Wayward Roosters, the girls felt a lot more at ease. Now they didn't have to worry about constantly avoiding his advances.
The day was sunny and almost warm, and the Ladies gate was opened. They watched in puzzlement as the girls’ gate was opened also. Hmmm, what was going through the humanlady's mind?
The girls saw their gate open. Of course, the one that always escapes came right out, but the others did not. They had been in their fenced area for three months now. Prior to that, they roamed the yard every day. But now, they didn't have the desire to roam. Their yard was big enough. Eventually, though one wandered to the edge of the gate, where the brown dirty ground met some greenish looking grass. As she was pecking away at the greenish stuff, the others got curious and decided to join.
They were barely outside their gate, but caught the Ladies attention. The Ladies ran toward the girls. The Ladies pulled at the girls’ tail feathers to chase the girls away. The Ladies wanted the green grass all to themselves, even though they knew there were several acres of greenish grass to forage through. The Ladies must have failed the sharing part of kindergarten.
Several of the girls ran back into the safety of their own yard, as one of the Ladies patrolled outside the gate like a prison security guard. A little girl was trying to get back into her yard, but the Lady on patrol wouldn’t let her in.

All day, the girls and the Ladies explored. They visited all the yards except for the one where the big brown monster lived. Any time one of the girls got too close to a Lady, she was chased and pecked away. The yards were big enough that they could all share fairly well.
The humanlady brought out treats every hour. She would call them " Here ChickENNNNNNNs". The Ladies knew that when the humanlady called, they were to come running. The girls had forgotten that. But the promise of treats helped some of them remember. The humanlady chuckled as she watched the chickens come running from all directions.
The day went well. Two of the Ladies found a place where the dirt was soft, and proceeded to take a very long bath.

Then it began to get dark. It seemed as if no one knew where to go. The back door of the girls coop was opened, and one of the Ladies jumped inside. She immediately found herself a spot on the top roost- the spot that happened to normally belong to little WeeMan.
One of the girls was undecided as to where she wanted to sleep, ending up going with what she knew, and ran into her coop. The meanie Lady (Moa) followed. Moa was trying to get into “her spot” on the roost- the top right corner. In the girls coop, though, the top right corner had 4 girls tightly squeezed together.
So, the humanlady took meanie Moa, and put her in her own coop with the two Ladies who were already settled in. That’s how they ended up for the night- 1 Lady in with the girls, and the others in their coop.
They wondered what tomorrow would bring.
Hey Cowboys!! Have you gotten your light show yet? We're almost at "Day 18". Sounds horrible, but it mean the hand will stop taking us out of our warm little room. The mamma had to evict 2 of my siblings. She said there was Blood Rings. I dunno what they are, but I hope it's not contagious.
The mamma was making alot of noise tonight. She was talking about brooders and lamps. It sounded important. I don't think I'll ever understand humans.
We are all getting big. I can't swim as much, although I like to stretch my legs. I play funny tricks on the mamma. When she holds my eggpartment up to the light, I hide on the other side of the egg. When she turns it, I turn too. LOL I think thats called playing hide-n-seek.
I hope you are all doing well. I know Auntie is taking good care of you.
OMG!!! Is it already day 18?!? Then doesn't that mean Skand is 19? Or is her group day 17? I think y'all are a day apart, right?

YAY!!! That means it is
day soon!!! I hope y'all's cameras are ready to go!

Well, our bator confused us... we just had two eggs hatch while still in the turning tray!! Thank goodness, everyone's safe and drying...
No light show yet. But wednesday is the day ( I think).. will check to be sure.
Orphan eggs are 3 days behind the mariachi band... lol

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