The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

No, no, don't get your blood pressure up yet. Mine's up enough for all of us. Thursday is day 18 for me. I think sat is day 18 for skand. I gotta stay calm, I gotta stay calm....
gonna have babies, I hope! I'm gonna be a basket case. I know the little buggers will wait till very late Sunday night to pip, then I'll be up all night waiting, and have to go to work without any sleep and they will hatch by the time I get home, and I wont be able to take pics or video of it all. Hows that for a run-on sentence LOL
NO LIGHT SHOW?? Oh, my...LOL I guess a person on their first hatch is more excited than one who has a room full of eggs . I have done light shows every other night.
hee hee.. orphan eggs, and the mariachi band.. what a crew we have
Yup, ya always feel that the first time. Just go on and go to sleep. Them boogers wait for you to walk away before they do anything!
Although, It is worth it to run a few hours late when ya catch them half ready to pop out, but they're too tired to make it fully out of the shell! I become the impatient cheerleader,, come on, just a lil more, push with all yer might! (heres me doing all the actions the lil guy needs to do) lol
NO LIGHT SHOW?? Oh, my...LOL I guess a person on their first hatch is more excited than one who has a room full of eggs . I have done light shows every other night.
hee hee.. orphan eggs, and the mariachi band.. what a crew we have

If your day was half as wierd as mine, you'd be more understanding.. lol I've ran myself ragged, and didnt get anything done. danged ole dogs!-HUSH! are about ready to be hung outside by thier toenails!!

The next morning, after they were let out, the three ladies that were in their own run were making a ruckus. They wanted to be let out, but even more so, they wanted their sister. The humanlady came to the gate, and the three gathered around.
They weren’t let out! One by one they were carried to the other run- where the little girls were. The Ladies were NOT happy! Why were they stuck in this run with –those - GIRLS? It didn’t make sense to them. But when they started exploring, they realized the girls had a very nice spacious run.
The Ladies kept separate from the girls. They stood staring into their run and wondered when they would get to go back. They heard the humanlady say she was going to clean that coop and run out for the babies. She told the Ladies they were going to be mothers.
The humanlady brought treats. She was nice enough to bring two bowls, but the Ladies did not want the girls to have any. They kept pecking at the girls to keep them from the treat. The Ladies thought they should get to eat because they were guests. The girls were not being good hostesses.
The girls didn’t see the Ladies as guests. To them, the Ladies were intruders. They did not like having the Ladies boss them around. In their pecking order, many of them were pretty much equal. The girls thought the Ladies should respect that, and not try to take over what had always been the girls’ area.
But life wasn’t fair, and in the world of chickens, any time there is a group, there is a pecking order. One is at the top, one is at the bottom, and the rest fall in between. The Ladies had their pecking order, as did the girls. Now that they were all together, though, a group order would have to be determined.
They had never been enclosed together before. For months, they all roamed the yards at the same time, but they hardly ever associated with each other. Even though the enclosed area was very large, it wasn’t as large as the 4 neighbors backyards. Since this was their first time enclosed together, the group pecking order was not yet established. For today, they would just avoid each other as much as possible. They all thought this was just a visit.
Every time one of the girls looked as if she had something interesting, one of the Ladies would run over. The Ladies were challenging the girls, and the girls just backed off. Lohi Moa was the worst of the Ladies. The attack of the big brown monster left her brain slightly scrambled. She couldn’t find her was into her run at night, even though she was closely following the others. But when it came to the girls, her brain was very active. She noticed every move they made, and any girl that moved too fast found herself being immediately pecked by the little meanie, who would come flying from across the run.
They had a fresh bale of hay to play in. The humanguy had scattered some scratch in the hay, and the humanlady threw in some sunflower seeds. By the end of the day the hay was scattered. Playing in the hay made the day go by fairly quickly.
The girls, who always went to bed earlier than the Ladies, went to bed as it started to get dark. The Ladies wandered around, looking at their coop, and fussing quite a bit. They were ready for bed, but couldn’t reach their coop.
The humanlady came in with the flashlight. She squatted down next to the pop door and shone the flashlight into the coop. The Lady who was the overnight guest the night before went right in and hopped up onto the top roost with the girls. The other 3 weren’t as easy to convince to go in. After several minutes, they stepped into the vestibule. They were thinking of coming back out when the door was shut on them. Uh Oh, now what? It was a bit dark, and they didn’t know where they were.
Suddenly, they saw a light. The humanlady was shining the flashlight through the vent so the Ladies could see the roosts. It took a bit, but they knew they had no other choice, so 2 of the Ladies jumped on the lower roost. There was no room on the upper roost, so they settled in. Lohi Moa was not so easy to please. In the Ladies coop, her spot was always the upper right hand corner. She wanted the same spot in this coop. But there were 3 girls squished together in that spot. Moa tried to peck their feet to get them to move, but they were not budging at all. Moa paced back and forth, looking for a way to push the girls aside. But they were packed in there so tightly it just wasn’t possible.
The light went out. The humanlady told them it was time to get to sleep. She left for a few minutes, then came back to check on them.
All was well in the coop. Good Night!!


See the moons?
Oh my word! Who woulda' thunk it??
All the girls and ladies together! That is great! I wonder what Moa the Meanie is going to do about this?

Can't wait for the next installment!

You see that picture, how tight the top roost is with 7 up there?
Well, tonight I came home, peeked in, and had to do a double-take. There are NINE up there on the top roost.
And guess who was all alone by her meanie little self on the bottom roost? I shook my finger at her and said " See what being mean does? It leaves you all alone in the cold"
Of course, she didn't care. The top roost was so crowded, half the girls could barely sit.

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