The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

Oh, good, I thought I missed something. I'm not a hatcher (yet, I keep saying I won't but I know I will someday!)
Countdown to Hatch:

Helloooooooo Auntie skand,
I want to thank you for suporting Mamma D in our soon to be hatching process. Jeez, she's a crazed lunatic! She's worried we aren't warm enough. She's worried that we don't have enough water. I can't wait to get out of this shell just so she'll stop fussin so much. ( She WILL stop fussin, won't she?)
Mamma D gave us one last time under the light last night. This eggpartment is getting real tight, so I couldn't hide from her. She squealed when she saw my little face. She said " Ohhh I SEEEE you". I wanted to moon her but, well- the tight space thing means I couldn't. So, my revenge will be every time she tries to take a picture, I'm going to hide my head.
The others wouldn't show themselves under the light. Mamma D could only see darkness. Se was fussin because she couldn't see any of the others moving. Sheesh, how much does she think we can move in here? I'd like to stick her fat butt into a 32 gal garbage can and see how well SHE can move. And shine a 10 million candlepower spotlight on her when she's trying to sleep.
But anyway, we're all lying on the ground now. No slow rocking on our hammocks. Nope, we get the hard wire floor. Sheesh, being a growing chickie isn't easy.
I'm trying to figure out when we should all pip. I'm thinking that we should all pip right before dawn.. and then not hatch till late tomorrow night. I like messin with Mamma D. Uno thinks I should be nice. I'm bein nice- just wanna have some fun. I'm gonna be very feisty.. Mamma D and I are gonna have fun times!.
Well, little orphaned eggies.. the sun'll come out, tomorrow ( sorry, couldnt resist) I need to get some sleep. I'll let ya know how the coming out party goes. I mean hatching party. Y'all sleep well, your turn is coming!

PS: the fat butt comment- I'm not being mean. I heard Mamma D say she has a big fat butt.
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Hola Mariachi band!!!
Que bien?
I dont know why everyone made such a big fiesta over Auntie S. not doing a peep show with us, we are all growing so big! (she did it just a few minutes ago) We are all doing sooooo wonderful! Well, there has been a slight problem, but as she looked at us, she doesnt see where anything has gone wrong, yet. Two of us little orphans have some damage to our eggpartment. Apparently, when Jim was putting new neighbors in, we came in contact with something. But, as Auntie put it, it didnt do much that we can tell. It looks like it's an old dent in the wall, so who knows, guess we find out soon!
Tell Mamma D to keep track of our sleep patterns, Auntie has gotten loony lately. Oh, whenever you have your happy hatch day, do it so Mamma D can watch. Poor thing, she's gone through too much drama in the past month, just this one little thing will brighten her day up. If you cant wait, make sure your still wet when she sees you for the first time. I promise, she will squeal, and it will be loud, but it'll be just fine.
At least you wont have a naked neck. Poor Norman, he gets picked on relentlessly.
Take care, have fun. let us know how the fiesta goes!
Love always,
All the orphaned eggs
If I had been eating or drinking, I'd have choked for sure. And if that didn't get me..

That WOULD have!!!! LOL Norman NakeyNeck.. he's cute though!

I HEARD PEEPING!!! I think Cuatro is hoping I'll just shut up.. LOL It wasn't him peeping- I think it was Uno. Uno is having a rock and roll party!

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