The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

Pics please!!

I will, as soon as we get done with the outside feeding and watering. I promise! Soon!

Hmmm, I would think she was done with outside feeding by now. LOL I know ya have a big flock, but sheesh.
Ok, I'll share a picture from today..

Do you think I look like my Daddy?

We're watching the story. Hey, it's 'bout US!! Look! Everyone Loves us!!

Look, I got toesies!
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Hello Everyone! Laurel here!
I can't wait to be big enough to get out of the box. At night, when Mamma D. gets home from some placed called "work", she reaches her hand into our box. Hardy and I are both scared of the hand. We know it's Mamma D, but when you are a little tiny chick like we are, you can't take any chances. So we run from the hand. I found out that Mamma D has short arms, and cannot reach me if I go to the back corner. Or if I hide under the light. But then she puts her hand down, and I can't help but go make sure it's her. Hardy bites her. He's a biter for sure.
Then Mamma D. grabs us, and I always scream. I'm not scared- the scream makes Hardy scared. I like to scare Hardy. Hee Hee, I'm a stinker when no one is looking.
Mamma D. puts us on the tan grass. It doesn't have bugs in it. It's not good to eat, either. But I think it looks like worms, and I try to eat it anyway. Tan indoor grass tastes yukky. But I do like to run. The room is so HUGE . I run real fast,and even flap my little wings as I run. It doesn't help me run faster. My wings are so tiny. They are getting feathers on the ends, though. Maybe someday soon I can fly!
Mamma D made me star in another movie ( if you want my autograph, I'll be glad to give ya one- someday it will be worth alot of monies!) In this movie, you can see how mature I have become. (and how Hardy has not matured at all)

Mamma D. doesn't let us play outside the box for too long, so we don't get too chilled. Sometimes she will let us out two times in a night.
Toniht she put the eggies on the floor of the bator. They will hatch in a few days. I can't wait ! I need friends.I can't play with Hardy because he just bites me all the time. I bit him too, but he bit me first! So maybe in a few days I'll have nicer brothers and sisters. I'm gonna peep real loud to tell them to hurry up!
Ok, nap time. Bye peeps!

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