The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

Oh we forgot to tell her to put this one on too...
This is us meeting Norman. He's just a little how do you humans say... silly looking?
We had 5 plus WM's girl... there was one egg that didnt have a daddy name on it. It hatched, so who wants to claim it? lol
The others are still in the bator, we're gonna try to patiently wait for another day... I did say try!
Thats not too bad. I sent 7 of BLR's and 2 of WeeMans.. and you know those 2 got bumped around. So far, the biggest little rooster has 7 babies.. oh, I hope all 3 make it.. he'd like having 10!

poor little norman. He needs the babies to sleep on his neck.. little lizardneck
That is about the only angle we can get of Norman in a picture. Darn skin keeps fuzzin up the lens. He never poses, nor stand still.
Always has his back to the camera, runs and hides if he sees you looking at him. lol
OK what the heck is Norman. i think it looks like an alien. sorry I'm just a new commer here and must have missed some of the story line. momma D don't tell me anything. and stop laughing momma D. cause i can post secrets, and 29+year old photos. blackmail is good
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Norman, the alien thing. Is a Naked Neck Frizzle chick. He screams like a beaten child when he sees the hand come to scoop him up.
Cause everytime he gets picked up, this sentance soon follows; "Man! Yooooo Are ONE UuuuuuuGLY Chick!"
Norman came from a lady on here. She raises them, sells some of the hatching eggs, and then they disperse and grow like a fungus. lol

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