The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

I.... CAN'T........ believe........ you ........ are......... CHEERING ...... HIM...... ON!!!!
I.... CAN'T........ believe........ you ........ are......... CHEERING ...... HIM...... ON!!!!

Well of course! He might be just like Popcorn when he grows up. lol Go chicky! Go chicky! hehehe It's your hatch day!


Glad you went on your instinct rather than your smarts!
Sometimes you just have to go against the rules and do what your heart tells you to.
Glad it worked where's the freakin' pictures?!?
LOL! J/K...I know you're tired!
Are these last 3 from BLR or WeeMan?

They are from the biggest little rooster. If there were any other chickens around, I'd be suspicious- this one here is much too light to belong to the biggest little rooster. Oh, and I KNOW it's him, even though I didn't see him hatch- I can tell by his very loud peeps/screams

He is very brave. ( he looks like he could be popcorns baby. Did popcorn by any chance sneak away for a few days?) If he turns out to be a rooster, He might very well be the Bravest litte rooster.

I'm writing up the first chapter of the new book.. Don't know what the title will be, but the temp title is BLR, New Life...

And here is a pic of the babies when they got into the brooder, tired, and all pooped out
Chapter 1- New generation, new balls of cuteness, New life

The two "bigger"ones, Laurel and Hardy, were moved to a section of their brooder. There was a screen seperating them from the half they had been playing in the past week. They knew something was happening becase they had heard alot of peeping the night before. Mamma D. was checking the incubator quite often. She hadn't even taken Laurel and Hardy out for playtime.
Mamma D put her hands into the other side. And out of her hands came 3 little chicks. Laurel and Hardy just stood at the screen and stared at the babies. They were so tiny. It was hard to believe that just 6 days before, Laurel and Hardy were that small.
Right at that moment, they didn't have names. They were just lumped together and called " The Babies".
After a few hours, the babies were already steady on their feet. Mamma D couldn't arrange the heat lamp in a way they all could share. So, she took the divider away. Laurel and Hardy ran for the food ( even though they had food on their half). They were not paying much attention to their surroundings. They just made a beeline for the food, stepping on the babies. The poor babies squeaked like a dog toy. All they wanted to do was sleep.
Mamma D was worried. Laurel and Hardy were so much bigger than the Babies. Hardy had spent his entire life ( all 6 days of it) picking on Laurel. Would he pick on the babies?
The answer to that question was yes. Mamma D. watched and waited. She was starting to think she'd have to come up with some solution to keeping them seperate. As Mamma D. watched them over the next several hours, the babies got their names, and Mamma D. stopped worrying.
Up until they were 48 hours old, Laurel and Hardy were sloppy on their feet. You would have thought they were eating fermented corn with the way they wobbled and fell. The babies wanted to sleep, but they were quick on their feet. They were able to run within 12 hours of hatching.
Big baby was a tad off balance at first. He tried real hard to scratch an itch behind his head, and ended up falling over on his face. And was promptly stepped on by Laurel. But he gained strength ,and after a little nap,

he was ready for the big brutes. He got his name when he snuck up behind Hardy, and bit Hardy's butt, and then ran the other way. He did this quite a few times, to both Laurel and Hardy. So he was named BB (Butt Biting) Von Sneaky

Little baby has a strip of lighter fuzz down his back. He, too could run pretty fast. He followed Laurel and Hardy, who didn't want to be followed. They tried pecking him, but he stood his ground. When Laurel and Hardy started their chest bumping thing, Little baby was right there trying to get in on the action. So his name became Spunky Skunkback

Then there was the medium one. He is very light colored, almost white. He was the one whose shell Mamma D. pipped. He was the one who peeped LOUDLY all night long on hatch night. He was the one who screamed the loudest when he was stepped on. Mamma D. expected him to be the shyest. She was quite wrong. Medium chick walked right up to Hardy, stretched up on his toes as high as he could, stretched his neck beyond it's limits.... and pecked Hardy right in the eye. Then he stared at Hardy as if to say " Whatcha going to do about it, big guy?". When he was walking by Laurel, it looked like he reached out with his wing and smacked Laurel in the head. Mamma D. thought nothing of it. It had to be just a coincedence. But then, it happened twice more. Coincedence? Or did that little one learn how to wing slap?
So he got his name: Feisty McScreamy

The "babies" had all stood up to Laurel and Hardy. Mamma D. was no longer worried that the big ones would hurt the little ones. You can see in this picture, BB VonSneaky is headed for Laurels tush.


And so the babies were named.... And the group was getting along as brothers and sisters should.
OMG they are adorable!!!
Thanks for the latest installment! I'm not sure who I like the best...they are such characters! LOL!


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