The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

The babies are getting so big. There is another chapter almost ready, but for now, we'll just keep y'all happy with a picture..


Laurel and Hardy are in the back. Spunky is in the center, McScreamy in the front, and VonSneaky on the right. Lookit their little wing feathers! And Laurel and Hardy have lil tails!

Spunky SkunkBack- see his noticable stripe?
Chapter 2- The First Week...

The babies were coming to the end of their first week of life. They were almost double the size they were 6 days ago. BB VonSneaky was still sneaking up on the others. He was getting dark little wing feathers, like his daddy had when he was little.
Spunky skunkback was getting wing feathers also, but they were a light tan color. His stripe was still quite noticable. He was still running around behind Laurel and Hardy. Every time Laurel and Hardy got to running across the brooder with wings flapping, you could see Spunky right there with them. He flapped his little wings in earnest, keeping up with the big ones.
Unfortunately for everyone in the house, McScreamy had not grown out of his name. He still whined a lot, and LOUDLY!! He screamed when he sees Mamma D. He screams when anyone runs past him. He screams when he sees his shadow. He was still almost white colored, and his wing feathers were coming in white.
Laurel and Hardy had grown quite a bit also. They were spastic. One minute they would be still and calm, and the next minute they would be running around like crazy. Of course, Spunky was running right there with them. They had calmed down a little bit, and were no longer stampeding over the little ones.
When Mamma D. came in to take them out of their box, she always scared them. Even though she always announced herself, the sudden appearance of the big body hanging over the brooder always startled them. They all ran and hid in the corner where she could hardly reach them. They just weren't bright enough to stay there, though. When the hand reached down, they ran, and the hand followed them and scooped them up.
After being scooped up, they were brought up to the face for some kisses and nuzzles. It was quite odd- they liked the kisses and nuzzles, but were scared of them at the same time.
Next, they would be placed on the floor. For the first few days after their hatching, Mamma D. put them on a towel. They stayed on that towel at first. But soon they andered off the towel, and Mamma D. put a sheet on the floor. She fussed every time they walked off the sheet. she especially fussed if they pooped. They chicks thought Mamma D must be so proud of them pooping, since she made such a big fuss over it.
Now, they explored all over the room. Mamma D gave up on trying to keep them on the sheet. There was a big space to explore, and they all explored it. They were nervous about exploring alone. None of them liked being seperated from the others. If one got seperated by more than a few inches, he would peep peep,peep. ( Unless it was McScreamy- he would scream, scream, scream). Laurel would run to whatever baby was crying. She didn't like to hear the babies cry.
After playing on the floor for a little while, the hand would scoop them up again. There would be more kisses and nuzzles, then they would be gently placed back in their box. The box would be all clean, with fresh food and water, and no poopies on the floor.
Of course, that only lasted a minute or two.
Chapter 3- ch ch changes

Each and every day of their 8 whole days of life, there were noticable changes in the baby chicks. They were getting bigger, of course, but their feathers were changing. Their personalities were changing just a little, but they all had a distinct personality.
Hardy was still the biggest, but he wasn't so mean anymore. Mamma D. is convinced he is a "he", because she thinks he acts like a boy. Hardy's wing feathers started out light, but as they are growing longer, they are getting darker. He has dark feathers growing in on his shoulders and chest and thighs.
His personality seems to be alot like his dad's. He is relatively calm, but has spurts where he runs across the brooder with wings flapping. He always checks up on the others, and keeps them in line. Once, while on the floor he found a piece of something that looked yummy, and called to the others. Another time though, he found a piece of cardboard, and ran with it, having no desire to share it. Sometimes he acts like a leader, and other times he juts acts like a goofball.
Laurel likes to be in the middle of everything. She usually got pushed aside by spunky, who wanted, and was always in the middle. Spunky couldn't stand to know he might be missing something.
Laurel, and McScreamy ( who was not screaming as much lately) both were light colored. Laurel's new feathers were very light, and McScreamy's were white. There was no signs of dark colors on either of them.
Spunky Skunkback still had his stripe. His wings were light colored, but his ittle tail was coming in darker. BB VonSneaky has muticolored dark wings. And a cute little dark tail. Mamma D thought there wasn't anything cuter than a baby chicks little tiny tail feathers.
Every day they got time out of the brooder. They were still a little scared of things, but were becoming a little more used to Mamma D. Spunky liked having his chest rubbed. He would stand there letting Mamma D. scratch his chest, his eyes closed, in total peace. Even the others running by screaming wouldn't break the hypnotic state.
Sometimes the man would also lay on the floor with them. If he tried to touch them, they would squeal, jump and run. That always made Mamma D giggle, but they didn't think it was very funny.
One day, there was a box, and it had a whole bunch of eggs in it. The eggs came from Texas, where the orphaned eggs went. Mamma D said that their orphaned brothers and sisters were going to probably move to New Mexico to live with a Nugget who you should never wake up. They had NO CLUE what that meant, but Mamma D promised to tell them the story one day.
For now, the empty box on the floor was a great curiosity. VonSneaky looked at the box as if he was reading the Fragile stickers. Then he noticed the piece of tape. Soon, all five of them were pushing and stepping on each other so they could try to save everyone from the dangerous piece of tape. They took turns biting and pulling at the piece of tape. McScreamy grabbed hold of the tape, and dug his feet into the floor and pulled with all his might. Even Hardy couldn't make that piece of tape budge. Eventually they all decided the tape wasn't going to harm them, and went off to look for something else to conquer.
Mamma D picked them all up and gave them kisses and nuzzles. as she placed them in their box, she told them that tomorrow, Laurel and Hardy were going to go on a field trip. They didn't know whether that was good or bad, but forgot about it as they chased each other around before plopping down for a nap.

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Dear Momma D.
Sorry if this is not understandable, I'm scrathing this out in the backseat of a moving wagon.
Auntie S told us today that we were having to move. We arent sure what it means, but we sure were happy when she fed us.
Later, this lady showed up and took our pictures! I think she thinks we are cute!
She told us we are moving to New Mexico! That sounds like a lot of fun. We are going to learn a lot of Spanish.
Well, it's getting awful late, and we're usually asleep by now.
G'night, sleep well
The newly RE-orphaned chicks
Dear Auntie,
Mamma D told us how you have to find homes for your babies, and we feel really sad for you. Don't be worrying, Mamma D. told us that our brothers and sisters will be very happy in New Mexico with their new other Auntie. Mamma D. told us that Norman and Tink and lots of the babies and even Popcorn were all moving to New Mexico also. It sounds exciting. We're almost jealous that they are having an adventure so soon. Our only adventure was 3 and a half minutes outside the other day. I think daddy would be very excited for them. You know he liked to travel and explore new places. I'm sure daddy is very thankful for your help hatching the orphans, and taking care of them so well. We all love you!!
Mamma D. showed us the eggs from your chickens. She said they are your orphans and we have to take care of them as well as you took care of our orphans. So, we promise to look after them when they hatch!!
Love Laurel, and Hardy, and BB VonSneaky, and Spunky Skunkback, and Feisty McScreamy

Dear New Auntie,
Thank you for taking our brothers and sisters on an adventure. They are only 2 weeks old and have travelled more than any chicken does in a lifetime. I think they will be famous for that! Please don't teach them Spanish words like enchillada or fajita. That might scare them. And don't let them wake up Nugget!

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