The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

I candled the 'tards again today. Still a few I'm not sure about. I just have fingers crossed. Only a week and a half to go!!!!
Hello Everyone!!!
BB VonSneaky here!! Another week has gone by, and Mamma D says it's my turn to write. We are all getting big. The others are funny looking- they have feathers growing and fuzzies sticking out all over. I know I am getting feathers too, but I don't think I look as silly as the others do.
Mamma D has been working at something called "overtime", so we haven't seen her too much this week. She makes sure to come in every night and scare us awake. Laurel and McScreamy do NOT like the hand. Me and skunkback, we like the hand. I like geting my chest feathers scratched. Skunkback likes his chest fuzzies scratched.
I decided that doggie- Go AWAY is pretty stupid. Mamma D will throw this green round thing, and Doggie will chase it. Doggie chews it for a minte, then decided it isn't food, and brings it back to Mamma D. Then Mamma throws it again, and again, and again, and each time doggie runs after it. Sheesh, I'm a 3 week old chicken, and even I wouldn't chase anything more than twice.
We got a treat the other day. Mamma D called it scrambled eggs. Everyone was afraid of it ( even me). Hardy went to bite the Mamma, and got a taste of egg. Once I saw it didn't hurt, I tasted some too. It was yummy!! Laurel and McScreamy were too chicken to taste, so hardy, skunky and I had the treats all to ourselves.
Mamma D. told us we have to get ready to move to the big house. Our moms were nice enough to move in with the little girls so we can have our very own house. We will have to move next week when the texas cowboy eggs hatch. I was looking forward to sharing the brooder with them, because I wanted to be the big brother (or sister, I'm not tellin) for once.
I think the big house will be cool. Laurel and McScreamy are afraid to go to the big house, even though they don't admit it. Laurel keeps saying things like " It's nice and cozy here, we don't need a big house". And McScreamy is afraid of his own shadow.
The best thing about the big house is we will get to play with Mamma D. more. She can fit in the big house with us, so skunky and I already plan to climb all over her. We will have very high up roosts. Mamma D. said our mommies were 4 weeks old when they moved into the big house, and they climbed on the big roosts.

I'm looking forward to having things to climb on, and a window to look out. We will also have a door, and on warmer days, Mamma D will open the door so we can explore the outdoors. Soon the days will be warm enough to go outside every day. I am going to like life on the outside.
I AM a little scared, though. But I think Hardy will keep us safe. He's a great big brother.
Well, folks, that's all from me, for now. I have to go peck Laurel's butt ( Yep, I still do that hee hee). Take care, y'all.. and go hug your chickens!!
BB VonSneaky
I just love your chickie stories and they are so articulate for such young chicks! Mine don't start writing before they're a couple of months old at least!
Hello Everyone! Sweetie here!! ( You all know me as Spunky Skunkback, but thats a stinky name and I refuse to use it especially since I'm so darn sweet)
Mamma D. turned off our heat lamp the other day. She was trying to prepare us for the Big House. It was very strange, the night times were DARK in our little brooder. I wasn't afraid of the dark, but some of the others were.
As we are growing, the brooder walls seemed to be closing in on us. We all like to run a little, and stretch our wings, but Laurel is spastic, and runs and jumps and flaps her wings. There has been alot of squealing in the brooder, because Laurel usually bangs into one of us when she flies. I think Mamma D. believes that we need more room. When we are all up running around, that is true. For the most part, though, the space we have is fine.
We moved into the Big House. Mamma D. put us in this box with holes in it, and the humanguy carried us out the door. Brr, it was chilly. The doggie peeked in the little door and tried to sniff us.
Then, we saw them- The mommies!! Wow, they are pretty! We saw the mommies and the girls. Mostly we saw their wet fuzzybutts, because they were scared of us and ran away. I tried to peep very loudly, to see if my mommy came looking for me. She didn't. I guess if they don't sit on the egg, they don't know we are their babies. Mamma D. said that even if they did hatch us, by now, because we are a month old, our mommies might not be paying much attention to us anyway. Momma D. said she'd always be our Mamma.
The carrier was put down, and the door opened. McScreamy, who is normally scared of everything, was the first one out. Pretty soon we were all out and exploring a little. It was so much roomier than our brooder box. I could imagine al the fun we could have in here. We could have a great game of tag! Laurel had enough room to be spastic without bumping into anyone.
Hardy kept eyeing the ramp. I was looking at it also, wondering where it went. But, we are all chickens, and chickens are wary of new things. We have to feel safe, and that takes time in a new house. There were alot of sounds. The outside birds are loud, and they don't talk like the inside birds do. I could hear the mommies and the girls fussing outside. And it was raining on the roof.
The cool part about the Big House is Mamma D can fit in there with us! When she comes in, she doesn't come in from above. We still get scared though, because the door sticks, and gets pulled open with a scary sound. Mamma D brought us pancakes. None of us were scared of them, like we were afraid of the oatmeal and scrambley eggs. I think I like Mamma D. Especially when she brings pancakes.
Mamma D. is worried that we are going to be too cold. I have to admit it is a bit chilly when I walk out from under the red light. It's going to snow tomorrow, and get extra cold. I guess she is acting like a real Mamma. I know it's stressing her alot. She's waiting to find us all huddled directly under the light, but we aren't . I've been peeping extra loud because I want to nap but everyone keeps bugging me. Mamma D. thinks I am peeping extra loud because I am cold.
On a semi- happier note though, Mamma D is still totally convinced I am a girl. She is also thinking VonSneaky is a girl. McScreamy is showing himself to be a boy ( Auntie S was right, the screamers are boys). He hardly has feathers, and his comb is getting big. In fact, it's bigger than Hardy's. Hardy is getting little tiny wattles. That makes 2 girls, and 2 boys. Then there is Laurel. Laurel is getting a little comb. Mamma D doesnt know if it is a sign of rooster, or if it is the right age for the comb to start coming in.
Well, I have some Big House to explore. This is Sweetie, signing out!!

PS, I don't seem to have a skunkback anymore. We are waiting for feathers to grow in completely to be sure. See my back....

Pictures of how much we've grown:



Laurel and McScreamy

I didn't make the pancakes- BirdHearder did!! He also made some deeeee-licious pasketti for dinner
And yumyummy chicken fajitas last night..

I'm still fighting myself over whether to bring the birds back inside or not..
If I had to make that decision then I think that I would but that's just me. I'd feel better following my instinct. If that's what it is and not just plain ole worry.
Note from Hardy: Mamma D brought us in. Now we are allllll confused. It was a good thing she brought us in- in the Big house, we were afraid to go get our food, and we didn't know that big red thing was the water. She brought us in and we ate and drank and drank and drank and ate and ate and ate.
Then we hid in the corner. I'm not sure why. All the little ones keep trying to hide under me. Mamma D covered the brooder box and turned out the light so everyone would calm down.

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