The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

The Ladies missed the biggest little rooster... a LOT. The went about their day because they had to, but the biggest little rooster didn't leave their minds or their hearts.
It didn't always make them happy to be set free. They would run over to the older neighbor's yard, but it just wasn't the same without their guy. He would always go on the neighbor's porch and crow for treats. Now, sometimes they would go on the neighors porch, and she wouldn't even know they were there. Of course, it being winter didn't help much, with all the doors and windows closed up.
The Ladies even wandered into the other neighbors' yards, but it was no different than wandering in their own yard. The biggest little rooster had always made everything an adventure. Life now was alot less exciting.
They had mixed feelings about being in with the girls. For the most part, the girls understood that the Ladies were in charge. It was alot like being step-sisters. They all wanted to be part of a big family, yet at the same time, they resented the other group. There were a lot of mixed feelings.
The girls were having their own problems. When the biggest little rooster jumped to his death, Little WeeMan became mean and forceful. The whole pecking order changed. Then Little WeeMan was taken, and they had to find a new normal. Just as things were settling, The Ladies moved in.
It took a few weeks, but they were all tolerating each other. The biggest problem was at night. One of the Ladies wanted to take over the top right roost, but the Girls would not give that up.
For the past two months, the humanlady was telling the Ladies about the babies. She kept them updated when the babies were still in the eggs, and announced when they hatched. The humanlady told them they were all mommies. The Ladies were not sure what that meant, and hardly paid attention.
One day, the humanlady said something about the biggest little rooster, and the Ladies ears perked up. The humanlady was telling them that one of the babies as bigger than the others. The big baby was getting beautiful copper red feathers. The biggest little baby was looking like a rooster. The biggest little baby rooster was acting very much like his daddy.
The Ladies did not know anything about being mommies, but they were getting a bit excited. There could be another Biggest Little Rooster! Even though he would be one of the Ladies son, and nephew to the others, it wasn't the same in the chicken world. There wouldn't be an immediate family bond. The biggest little rooster, JR. could dislike them. He might prefer the Girls!
The Ladies were getting worried also. They didn't know how a biggest little rooster JR would make them feel. Would they be sad, because he'd be a reminder of what they were missing? Or would he bring new life and new adventures?
Time would tell.
Very, very good. This trumps Harry Potter so much!!
*hugs all sixty-one pages of this forum*
So exciting!!!
The "Babies" will definately be moving into the Big House tomorrow. First, because it warmed up, and second, because this is in the bator:


and there are a few more pipped. These are the babies from skand and the1much. So the babies are now the big kids, and the newly hatched will be the babies.
The big kids are very funny. And there is no doubt that Hardy is the biggest little rooster, jr. He has his dads personality, and every day we see more of it. Yesterday, he was looking up at the top of the brooder, and he wanted to jump up there. So, he squatted down, ready to jump, .. and stood up. He did this quite a few times before he actually did jump. Just like his dad, who was afraid to jump, also. He isn't nearly as dark as his dad, but he is a very beautiful color. He's getting little wattles.


Laurel is also getting little wattles, and her comb is starting to get a little bigger. I do hope she is a girl. Being that Laurel and Hardy are a week older than the other 3, it's hard to compare their combs to try to guess what is what. Laurel's also got some very pretty coloring, and the pictures don't do her justice:


McSreamy is definately a boy. His comb is bigger than anyones, and its redder. And he is only half as feathered as the others. He is still quite light colored. But then again, it's hard to tell, because his feathers aren't growing in LOL.
BB VonSneaky hasn't changed much. She is darker than the rest.
And then we have Spunky Skunkback.. whose stripe is no longer there. she has the coloring of her mommies, the red sexlinks.


So, that is the update on the big kids. I am sure there will be a gazillion pictures and a story tomorrow, because they are all going to go outside. It's supposed to be around 70, so I will let them run around a bit before putting them in the big house.
After the fiasco of trying to move into the Big House on what turned out to be the coldest night of the year, the babies were not too thrilled when Mamma D. told them they were REALLY moving today. She packed them up in the carrier again. They made a stop next to the mommies pen, and this time, the mommies and the girls came close to peek at them.
They stared at each other for a while, then Mamma D. put the carrier in the Big House and opened the door. No one wanted to be the first out. They remembered the Big House as being cold and scary.
Today, it wasn't cold, or scary. After a few minutes, the chicks came running out. Mamma D showed them where their brand new waterer was. They also had a brand new feeder, and WOW, it held a lot of food!
Mamma D. left the chicks to get acquainted with their new surroundings. Actually, she was cleaning out their brooder for the new babies that had hatched the night before. While she was gone, the chicks were exploring. It was nice and warm and cozy inside the Big House. They could hear the mommies and the girls, and the birds. But they weren't scared ( too much).
After she got the new babies settled, Mamma D came outside and opened the little door. She sat on their little porch and waited.


The chicks were all peeking out, curious , but afraid. It was a big world out there. Hardy accidently jumped out when Sneaky bumped him from behind. He jumped of the little porch, and found 4 blades of grass, which he promptly ate. Now the run has no grass.
McScreamy was the second one out. He had to pose first, standing at the pop door trying to look mean and tough so that if any bad guys were watching, the stinkeye look would scare them away.


Mamma D had to entice the rest of the group out of the coop with a piece of bread. Even with the promise of a treat, VonSneaky and SS were nervous about coming out. Eventually they did come out, but not for long.


The chicks had alot of fun. Laurel, Hardy and McScreamy were running in and out of the house. Hardy realized that the run was spacious, and took off running in his new found freedom. He was so excited, he didn't even realize there was a fence. He bounced off the fence, and quickly looked around. He was happy to see that the others were inside. No one had seen his run-in with the fence. No one except Mamma D. that is, and she got quite a laugh from it.
At one point, one of them found something, and all 5 of them started playing 'keep away'. They ran in circles squealing and trying to get the goodie from each other. That game didn't last too long, though. With all that running and pecking, all those heads and beaks, they all ended up losing track of the goodie.
The older neighbor was outside, and the mommies and the girls were all on her porch. She came to the fence to talk to Mamma D., and the girls followed. Then the neighbor man came out, and the girls all ran to him. Mamma D took Hardy to visit with them. The neighor lady told Hardy if he was good, he'd get lots of treats. She warned him that he better not be bad. She said his daddy was good and always got treats.
It started to get a little bit chilly, so Mamma D. shut the little door and turned on the heat lamp. The chicks settled down for some sleep. All was going well until they were startled by a face in the window. Mamma D. was checking up on them. THREE TIMES...
The third time she checked on the, she opened the door and sat with them for a few minutes. They tried to let her know they really liked the Big House. She gave them all a nuzzle, and told them Good Night.

Spunky Skunkback says we need to now call her SS- Sugar-n-Spice. She no longer has a stripe:
wow they are so big now. cant wait for another story. you are a very good story teller. cant wait for another up-date. keep up the good work.....


Here is the video of Hardy wanting to jump but being afraid. The lighting isn't great, but you can notice how many times he squats, then chickens out. Just like his dad...

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