The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

My history is that I found the story a while ago but didn't subscribe to it then I lost it so I think right after I found it again was when disaster had already struck. It was then that I subscribed because I just had to see how this all would play out.

It was so funny watching the kids darting in and out of their little hen house as if they are on some extremely busy chicky schedule of some kind. Thanks for 'feeding' us each day! (Your readers)

In my case, I rarely post to the storyline because as a subscriber, every time someone posts, I get an email and I don't want to fill in everyone's inbox unless I have something to ask that I think is relevant. I wonder if others are doing the same thing, waiting for pictures and blogs and just reading along each day, that was why I wondered if maybe BYC could tell you how many are subscribed to this thread?
Mamma D. had only brought them treats one time, but that was enough for the chicklets to learn to run to her. In the mornings, Mamma D. opened their little door to the outside, and would spend a few minutes with them. She couldn't spend alot of time, though, because she always had to go someplace called "work".
She would be gone all day, and come home a little while before dark. On the warm days, one of them would be laying right by the door keeping watch. Usually, it would be Hardy. Then, when they saw Mamma D......

This particular morning was a little colder than usual. Mamma D brought out "treats". This treat was warm and mushy. Hardy was the first to try some. He had to make sure it was safe for the little flock. As usual, McScreamy was next. He wasn't sure about the food dish and the mushy stuff. He pecked at the mush on Hardy's beak, decided it was pretty good, and started eating from the dish.
When Mamma D. left for work a few minutes later, all 5 of them were gathered around the little bowl enjoying their warm oatmeal and yogurt. Even VonSneaky, who was usually afraid to come out of the coop, was enjoying the messy treat.
When Mamma D. came home from work, she didn't have treats for them. They flocked around Mamma D.'s feet and looked extra cute. it was Laurel's plan to get Mamma D. to feel guilty. It worked.
But she didn't go into the house to get treats- she flipped over a log. There were so many bugs under there. Hardy grabbed a big fat worm and took off running. The worm was wiggling, and attracted the attention of the others. Hardy held on tight, though, and the worm was all his.
As the chicklets were feasting on bugs, the mommies and the girls were on the other side of the fence, just a few inches away, protesting loudly. They were staring at the bugs with hungry looks in their eyes. Mamma D. was guilted into going into their run and turning over a few logs for them.
The chicklets liked when Mamma D. was around. They weren't sure why it was better, but it was. They liked running around outside, and were no longer limiting themselves to the little deck and a very small portion of the run. They ran around the whole run, building stronger legs and wings. Laurel, Hardy and McScreamy played on the logs. VonSneaky was still a bit scared of being outside, and SS went back and forth between being afraid of outside, and loving it.
At the end of the day, they all went under the heatlamp, and settled down to sleep, talking about the outdoors, and their father, and the stories they had heard from Mamma D. They wer looking forward to warmer days, exploring, and making adventures of their own.
So cute, they're still peeping - I miss the peeps. Now I've got fourteen whiners and a cranky roo......I love being whined at whenever they see me
This "chapter" will be a little different. This one, I have to tell from my point of view.

Bright and semi-early this morning, I opened the door to the Girls run so I could take them some food. The naked Girl ( who is not really naked, but her feathery dress was ripped off her back through the roughness of the little WeeMan *may he rest on plate*, leaving the fuzzy downy petticoat showing)- The naked girl slipped past me out into the green grass zone. The others devised a plan to form a wedge with their bodies, and they tried to squeeze past me. I stepped aside and let them think they outwitted me.
On weekends, I don't let them out too early, because I want them to have less time for visiting neighbors- mainly the neighbors who have the kids with BB guns, and the mean neighbor who threatened the Ladies for being in her garden. I heard the sounds of a tiller last weekend, so I really don't want the Ladies over there.
Today was drizzly and yukky out, so I let them go free. As usual, they scattered over the course of 4 backyards; none of those yards being their own.

We went to the feed store to get food for the baby Texans, and stopped by the pet store to get crickets for the Girls. This pet store actually has a cricket club- you get your little card stamped, buy 10 dozen get one free. I drag hubby away from the cute puppies ( why they have the crickets right next to the cute puppies, I don't know), and we head home.
The Girls and Ladies ran to greet us, as usual. They have been greatly disappointed lately to find that every time I come out the door, I do NOT have treats for them. But this time, I did.
The crickets are packed in a plastic bag with a piece of egg carton type material. I open the bag, and pull out the cricket covered egg carton. The Girls went bananas. A cricket or two jumped toward one of the girls. She literally screamed and jumped backwards, stepping on the others, who were rushing toward the treats.
Several of the girls were being smart, and just chasing the ones that were no longer on the egg carton. The others seemed to be slightly afraid of the egg carton. I heard another scream, and looked just in time to see another chicken jumping backwards.
In less than a minute, it was all over. Ten chickens had consumed 5 dozen crickets. I had saved some, though, and took them back to the babies.
Hardy and McScreamy are always the first two out to greet me. Laurel is close behind. After a minute or two, Spunky will come out. VonSneaky is a little chicken. She doesn't come out for a few minutes, and then she ends up running back in. Each day she stays out a little longer.
I drop the crickets, and Hardy was right on them. McScreamy wasn't too sure, but picked one up and ran around in circles with it. when he realized no one was chasing him, he put the cricket down, went to peck at it, and looked confused when it jumped away. They weren't used to fast moving food.
It was almost dark when I went to lock the chickens up. I plugged in the babies heat lamp, and noticed that there was something blocking the red glow from their open pop door. It looked like the silly little ones were all sitting and looking out the door.
I did a head count of the girls. Now, their top roost fits 7 comfortably. Tonight, there were 9 up there. There really isn't room for nine. I know this because one was almost standing- her butt was resting on another girls head. Ah, if only I had my camera, and I took good pictures.
So then, I go to the babies. Hardy had himself plopped in the center of the pop door- his head was inside the coop, and his butt was outside. On either side of him, under his wings, was one of the little girls. Laurel was more in the coop than out. Where was McScreamy? Outside- trying hard to push his way in. But Hardy wasn't budging. Poor McScreamy was sitting out in the rain ( they have a covered run, but still..).
I thought at first maybe they saw a few crickets inside and got scared. But Hardy was not scared of crickets. Then I thought maybe there was a snake or something in the coop. These chicks were in the doorway- something had to be keeping them from going inside.
I couldn't see anything, and once I pushed them all in the coop, they were fine. ( McScreamy was especially thankful). I was puzzled.
I have been saying that Hardy is definately a Biggest Little Rooster, jr. He is the biggest of the babies, and looks alot like his dad, except he has a white tail. I see his dad's personality in him, and at times, I wonder if it is just wishful thinking. But, even though the Biggest Little Rooster isn't here- the very first hatched baby of his is a little clone.
As I walked back to the house, I think I realized why they were all piled up at the coop door. Have you figured it out yet???

Here is hardy..

Did you figure it out yet?

I think Hardy was afraid to go in to the coop...

because it was dark inside!!!

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