The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

I love this thread! I just found it about a week ago, and I am finally caught up! I love the chicks, I love the ladies, I was sad for BLR and I laughed at the home for wayward roosters. Please keep the story coming.
Ohhhhh, I LIKE it.. Hee hee.. Ms Goody2shoes is cute. Look at all those babies. The orphans have quite a group to play with. I still can't believe how white they are!!
Oh, I think Mr. Stealthy will manage to convince Ms G2S to sneak out. He's probably pretty persuasive LOL
Ahhh yes,,, but she has another reason to venture,, his name is White Boy......
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oh no.. is she falling for an older man??
Hee hee, that funny looking frizzly thing looks like someone played beautician on it- including wash, cut, curl, and wax....
Hello Folks! It's Hardy!!!!
I know Mamma D. wrote stories about my dad and shared the stories with everyone. Then my daddy died and she decided to hatch us so she could keep the story going.
Mamma D was hoping for a little biggest little rooster. Even when we were still in the eggs, we heard stories of our dad. We talked amongst ourselves, and decided I would hatch first, so my dad's "firstborn" would be a son. Cuatro was going to hatch first, but he said I should hatch first cause he and Dos decided to go live with Dad.
Anyway, y'all know all that stuff. But, Mamma D has been telling stories about me, and I wanted to clear a few things up.
First of all, I am NOT scared of the dark. If I was scared of the dark, why would I be outside in the dark? Does this look like a face of a scaredy-cat?

No siree, I'm not scared!!

This is BB VonSneaky now. She used to be a little stinkerbutt, but now shes very quiet, and timid. She looks alot like daddy:

Little Skunkback, I mean sweetie, she's sometimes scared. But she likes Mamma D. and likes to be pet. She doesn't have a stripe anymore.

Laurel is not as bold as she used to be, either. It must be a girl thing. She is very pretty

But Mamma D. was a little scared today. Every day, she comes outside in the morning, and she lets the Girls and the Mommies out, then she opens our little door. Usually we are waiting to run out. I'm always the first one out because I have to make sure all is safe for everyone else. Sometimes McScreamy tries to be the first one out, but I'm the biggest little rooster, and he can't push past me.

We usually jump down off the roost when we hear Mamma D. Not because we are anxious to see her, but because we don't want her to see us on the roosts. She gets all weird when we are roosting, and talks in a silly voice, saying something embarassing like " Awwww, my babies are growing up".
So, today, it was raining outside, and without the sun shining we were a little lazy. We heard Mamma D open our door, but didn't feel like running out into the rain. Mamma D. went to get us food. When she was walking back, she noticed we had not come out. She got very nervous. The humanguy keeps saying he sees some sort of critter wandering around after dark which he thinks is a fox. Even though our run is completely covered and safe, Mamma D. was nervous, and thinking we got eaten by a fox.
Now, I didn't really see her coming. None of us did. If I had seen her coming, I wouldn't have done it.....

Love, Hardy

Mamma D. was nervous because the "babies" were not outside. She didn't even see a little face in the doorway. She tried calling the babies, but they didn't come out. Mamma D. was worried. Her imagination was running wild. What if "the critter" got them? Or maybe they WERE too big for the heatlamp, and they were all having a heatstroke. (yes, the babies were 5 and 6 weeks old, but the coop was still chilly- with heatlamp it was 64 degrees)
Mamma D. heard a noise, and she got even more scared, thinking for sure there was something wrong. But then she had a realization...

and she smiled, and peeked n the little peephole in the door. All the "babies" were roosting on the top roost.

And there was Hardy, standing tall, neck stretched..... Guess what he did?
Yup, he crowed!
Hey Hardy, don't go into the light. be careful around that nice warm heat lamp. I don't want to tell you what that humanguy did to your New Jersey ancestors house. Just remember 911. Some time when MommaD gets the rest of the eggs out of the spare room I will come visit and tell you all about it. I've even have the newspaper articial with photo to show you.
Oh, I definately want to see the newspaper article. That was... funny. " The occupants are refusing to leave"
I have the heat lamp away from walls and clamped to the rafter with one of those really heavy duty clamps
There were alot of groups in Mamma D's flock. There were the Ladies, the Girls, the kids, the texas babies, and the eggies. There was also doggie-go Away, and kitten-getOFFme, and the 2 talking chickens. It was tough to try to give everyone attention. Somehow, Mamma D. managed, though, and everyone was happy.
Mamma D. sometimes let the Ladies and Girls out to play when she gets home from work. They have an hour to run around before it gets dark, which is enough time to have a little fun but not enough time to get into too much trouble.
While the Girls and Ladies are running around, Mamma D. would chill with the kids. Laurel and Hardy were now 8 weeks old. Laurel didn't like being picked up. When Mamma D. picks her up she squawks in a big girl voice. She still peeps, but it wouldn't be long now before she would always tak in a big girl voice.
After hanging out with the kids, Mamma D. would pay with the doggie-goAway. That sill doggie would keep bringing back the green thing that MammaD. kept trying to throw away. Then Mamma D. would put the green thing in her pocket, and she and doggie-goAWAY would go into the human coop.
The kids were not sure what Mamma D. would do inside the human coop, but sometimes she'd get so busy she would not realize it was starting to get dark. The kids would wait in their door. Every day they got a little closer to being IN the coop. For now they would just sit and wait. Finally, Mamma D. would turn on the light, and they would all go running inside. Someday soon, they might just go into the coop before it gets too dark in there. Or maybe they would always need a nightlight.
Before they knew it, it would be another weekend. Everyone liked the weekend! The Girls and Ladies would be let out with strict warnings to stay out of trouble. They either did not understand those warnings, or chose to ignore them. It usually didn't take long before they were in trouble, though.
The kids liked it when the Girls and Ladies were set free. Sometimes it got creepy being stared at all the time. The kids were not sure if the Girls liked them, or thought they were icky dumb kids. At times, all 10 of them would be staring through the fence. The kids were quite brave- they would run up to the fence and stare back. To look extra big and tough, they would jump on the log.
This particular weekend, Mamma D. was making a garden. The Girls were busy scratching in the fresh mulch the humanguy had put around the trees. Mamma D. transplanted some kale and spinach into containers on the porch when no one was looking. Silly Mamma D. thought the greens were safe. She turned her back for just a second, and turned back around to find half the spinach eaten. One guilty Lady had pulled an entire plant out. It was very hard to pretend to be innocent with a spinach plant hanging from your beak.
Mamma D had a lot of grass removal to be done. It took the Girls and Ladies a whole day to finally come see what was going on. There were bazillions of worms that she had been taking back to the kids.
So there she was overturning clumps of grass, exposing the worms hiding underneath. Once all the Girls were scratching and pecking and scratching and breaking up the grass clumps, Mamma D. left them to go dig on the other side of the house.
They lost interest in the dirt when they stopped finding so many worms. Most of the Girls and Ladies wandered off into neighbors yards, but one was smart enough to follow Mamma D.
Mamma D. was sitting on the grass, and pulling up big clumps of grass and dirt clods. As she turned over a patch, the Girl was right there, inspecting each clump for worms and other yummy bugs. A few of the other Girls came over, but lost interest pretty quickly. The smart Girl had all those yummy bugs to herself. She worked closely with Mamma D. to ensure there were no worms left.
They worked like that for almost an hour. That smart Girl stayed right by Mamma D's side, until Mamma D. stood up and said her old body couldn't take any more. She promised the smart Girl that there was a lot more gardening to do.

Then Mamma D. went inside to play with the Texas babies. Three of them had found a new home because they were going to grow up to be roosters. So now there were 3. They totally disliked "the hand" . Mamma D. Put them all on the floor while she cleaned their brooder and refreshed their food and water.
They were getting to be a little less scared. This time they didn't stay huddled in one little corner screaming. They actually wandered a little bit, and eventually they came close to Mamma D. who was lying on the floor. They eventually let her pet them, and fell asleep on her hands. Except the little dark mystery chick- she wanted to step on the others as they were trying to sleep.
Lastly, Mamma D. took a peek at the eggies. There were 7 silkie eggies, 7 maran eggies, and 9 eggies she called " Mr Frizzys". The bator temps varied from side to side, so Mamma D rotated them all.
In 2 weeks, the eggies would hatch, the babies would need to move outside, and the kids would have to go to bed by themselves, because Mamma D. was going to change her work times, and wouldn't be home in time to turn on the nightlight.
There would be a whole bunch of growing going on....

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