The brats are wastin feed like mad!


May 19, 2017
North Cakalaki
Grrrrr. I have twoish week old bcm, langashan and br chicks. These monsters are wastin feed like crazy. I have the typical chick feeder round tall thinger with the holes for their noggins. I filled it last night and today.... the only bit that is left is in the bottom of the dish. I put it on a brick to try help this a week ago and it hasnt helped. These are the first we have had to just pick it out like this. They do have a good sized dish with dirt in it to bath and play and lay in..... any other ideas to keep them from this? I am debatin not fillin it up and just lettin them scratch the floor of the brooder for their feed cause that is where it all goes now anyway.
When ever mine empty a feeder, I take the feeder out for a couple of hours and let the scratch in the bedding for what they spilled. It is a good way to encourage them to clean up.

Doesn't matter if they are babies or adults, I do the same. Well.....I don't even take it out. I just leave the feeder in there until they eat all their food. Doesn't matter to me if it is from the feeder or from the floor. I like to think they are learning a lesson. I know they aren't, but I can act like they are.

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