THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

If you haven't read it yet, go back to post # 363 and read it and some of the posts after that and you will see what some have done. Myself, I do not open my hatcher once the eggs are put into lock down until after day 22 unless they all hatch by then. I have seen to many good chicks die because of shrink wrap. All incubator company's seem like they can't stress enough to not open incubators during the last 3 days. I'm not saying it is wrong nor am I saying don't do it I'm just saying that on the above mentioned posts, they did it and it seemed to work so if I were going to do it that is what I would do. The humidity is soooo important the last few days for these babies. 
Please don't think I'm being a smarty, it's just that I don't want to have anything happen to these little ones that is my fault. 

I am one who tries not to open the incubator during lockdown. But if some hatches on day 20, and others later, would it be okay to take the early hatchlings out if there are no pipped or zipped eggs?
Thanks again Jim. Just went back and read it and it sounds like a great way to do it when I have to. I would have never thought of that on my own. She had a great hatch, so I'm hoping I will too.
LOL you are so welcome. Probably the reason you wouldn't have thought of that and myself also is because we usually have enough room to do our hatch. This time you had to use the Brinsea.
I hatched 18 and didn't take any out until I remove them all but the chick that really likes its egg...
So 17 were stuffed in there happy as little fuzzy clams. I did remove egg shells a few times though.
I want to get one I the cheap styro bators to use as a hatcher so the chicks have more room, and so I can stagger hatches. I don't think I'll incubate in anything except a brinsea though. You just can't beat 18/18 for your first try...
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I want to get one I the cheap styro bators to use as a hatcher so the chicks have more room, and so I can stagger hatches. I don't think I'll incubate in anything except a brinsea though. You just can't beat 18/18 for your first try...

I agree. I have a styro bators I use as a hatcher, but only use my brinsea for incubating. It's simple to use and I get an excellent hatch rate with it.
I am on day 20 of my incubation and do not hear a sound coming out of the eggs. No pipping or zipping. Should I be worried?
I had nothing till end of day 22 and most hatched day 24.
Time moves very slowly! Have you candeled the eggs before lockdown?
I am on day 20 of my incubation and do not hear a sound coming out of the eggs. No pipping or zipping. Should I be worried?
I have had them sometimes that would not do anything then all of a sudden I'd look and there were a couple of chicks out of the eggs. Some are so fast about it and others take their good old time. Mostly though mine were all done by the end of day 21. This year though it seems they are slower. ????? Don't know why. I had a little bantam that was supposed to hatch on Good Friday and nothing then all of a sudden Easter morning there was one and the following Tuesday there were two. Even hatching with the hen, it was different this spring. Don't know if the weather is having anything to do with it or not. I've had really good luck with my Genesis also but I still move them to the other styrofoam one for hatching. I have one styrofoam that I use for nothing but hatching. I have 31 that I have to check this coming Wednesday and put into lock down whatever is good. They are to hatch 27th. Will let you all know how things go then.
I'm really hoping that they aren't all good, I have chickens everywhere right now. lol
London: Thanks! Yes, I candled them and 15 looked good. 3 looked clear, but since my eggs are dark and hard to see inside, I left them in just in case.

Thanks Jim. I agree that it might just be the weather. I'm not used to nothing happening by day 20. I'll wait it out and see what happens.

LOL.... I honestly hope they all hatch. I hate dead chicks. I can never get used to that.
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I had one chick hatch out yesterday after my last post. There were a couple of eggs with pips. I went to bed and woke up to a bator with five chicks. Yay! A few hours later we had two more hatch out. I had to take out the first five because they were harassing the last two. My son and I teamed up and with the bathroom very humid, took them out one by one leaving the last two in the bator to dry up. A couple of hours later we had a third hatch out. So far we have eight chicks out of eighteen eggs and there are two eggs with pips in them. I really do hope I get a good hatch rate. I know there were 15 alive at lockdown and would hate to think some died. We'll see what happens after I get home from work around 7:30pm.

I'd also like to share some pics:

These are of the bators full of eggs. I had 12 Cuckoo Maran eggs, 3 Ameraucanas, and 3 Easter Eggers. My Easter Eggers are from true Ameraucana parents, but different colorings mixed in the same pen for the winter. I was told because of the mixed coloring they will be considered Easter Eggers. Still so far the cutest chicks I have.

This is a pic of my first five:

And this is a pic of my favorite chick so far. I love the coloring on it. Praying this will be a hen:

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