THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

Ok I just emptied one of the wells and I'm letting it warm back up aND just wanted to show yall what thermometers I'm using. Probably not the bestbut it's what I've got


EDIT 05:00 - Checked the temp and humidity on my way out this morning. Was at 99.4 and 29% RH. I went ahead and refilled the one well and I'll call my wife later and see where it leveled off at .
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Using my brinsea 20 Eco for the first time. I have had the mini advance for years. I love it but it is too small. I also have a Janoel 24 (yes, I have an small addiction problem
) that I really like. The Eco is driving me nuts. There is so much temperature variation. I keep messing with it, trying to find a balance. Right now I am at 99.5 on the brinsea, 100.2 with the incu therm in the middle of the incubator and 98.8 in the corner of the incubator. Is this "normal" for the Eco 20? This is bring back memories of my first incubator which was a styrofoam and it was awful.

Because it is a brinsea, I went ahead and put eggs in it. At least they are not expensive eggs.
Using my brinsea 20 Eco for the first time.  I have had the mini advance for years.  I love it but it is too small.  I also have a Janoel 24 (yes, I have an small addiction problem :p ) that I really like.  The Eco is driving me nuts.  There is so much temperature variation.  I keep messing with it, trying to find a balance.  Right now I am at 99.5 on the brinsea, 100.2 with the incu therm in the middle of the incubator and 98.8 in the corner of the incubator.  Is this "normal" for the Eco 20?  This is bring back memories of my first incubator which was a styrofoam and it was awful.

Because it is a brinsea, I went ahead and put eggs in it.  At least they are not expensive eggs.  

I also love my mini but stepped up to the 20 Eco this winter. There is a big variance with temp. I freaked out when I put the spot check through the vent hole. Do you have a calibrated thermometer you can check the brinsea against? I realized half way through my first set in it that the liquid in the thermo had separated and about a quarter of an inch had rose to the top of the glass. This threw my temp off. I'm not saying yours has done that but it wouldn't hurt to check the whole thermometer to make sure all the liquid has stayed in place. I run around 100 degrees, give or take, as an average. Also lots of hatchers rotate the black plastic tray once a day to keep all the eggs heating equally. I'm still getting used to the 20 but much prefer my mini. I have the mini Eco, so at least I can squeeze a dozen of my eggs in there! :)
One thing I noticed about the Brinsea spot check thermometer is that the temp will jump when the heating element is on (you'll see a * by the temp) and drop down when the heating element is off. You have to be really careful the probe wire doesn't touch the heating wire or your readings will swing and drive you crazy.

I don't rotate my tray every day, just once a week, but on candle days I move the eggs from the corners to the middle and vise-versa.

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