THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

I'm going to do that next time, because one of my babies ended up with splay leg and I had to make a Ban-aid hobble. Not that it isn't cute waddling like a duck in it's little hobbles!
Hello all! I just checked my eggs. I have 2 internal pips, and all the others look good. I hope for a external pip by the morning!!
I just bought one with the turner! I've heard great things about them. Waiting for it to arrive... any day now. I got 18 Turken eggs in a hovabator 2362n w/turner now and a dozen plus Leghorn eggs on the way to put in the brinsea. I've never hatched eggs in an incubator before so I'm hoping for something. I know shipped eggs are a gamble but finding purebred eggs in my area is not easy.
I was happy to find a used brinsea from a member on this site, the eco 20 w/turner was out of my price range so I was thinking of getting a mini advanced but the used one cost me less than the mini would have. Excited to see how my first hatches go.
Have any of you CHANGED the temp in your bators.

IOW, did you test to see if they were reading 99.5 (hard to tell that on a glass thermometer....) and then adjust the temp from the setting it had when it arrived at your place.......?

My three are showing variations: one about 100, another just shy of 100, another is routinely 101 least that's what the glass therm says. digitals just show 99--99--100

and to top it off, my new brinsea Spot Check therm is giving me different readings from the brinsea built in glass therm.

So, did yoiu guys just turn em on and go, or what?
I turned mine on and checked temps with 3 different thermometers. All 3 gave me different readings. It seemed a little low for me so I adjusted it a SLIGHT bit. I had the brinsea thermometer reading 100, digital 99, and another somewhere in between. So that's where I left it.

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