THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

Mine was right at a hundred when I got it, through a lot of cussing and tiny little wrist movements with a tiny screwdriver, I got it adjusted to right below 100, and went with that. Mine hatched perfect and on time!
I just went by the thermometer inside the lid and adjusted accordingly. So far my results have been great!

Here is the latest group that hatched yesterday

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thanks for the info. Just a bit neurotic, me!

And, Biker, looking forward to more babies hatching!
I am neurotic too. There are lives at stake!!! I checked mine often and left all 3 thermometers in there. I took detailed notes so that I can go back and read it all for the next batch!

I am anxiously awaiting a call from DH to let me know if the other 4 have made it out yet.
Hooray for babies! I'm already itching to hatch more, but with 2 broodies on eggs, I need to have the incubator ready in case anyone decides to quit sitting, or abandon their nest after 2 hatch.

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