THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

I didn't realize all the fluff that they shed in the incubator. Does everyone take the cover off the fan and clean under there every hatch?
When I got mine, I found that neither of them were reading at 99.5 so I had to adjust. I also find that the Spot Check and the glass thermometer read differently, so I go with the Spot Check since it's supposed to be reliable. Before I got the Spot Check, my chicks weren't hatching on time because the glass thermometer was reading higher than the actual temperature.
I take the plastic section off that covers the fan and other electrical components and disinfect it in bleach water with the tray and the base. I use Lysol or Clorox wipes to disinfect the top section with the fan. Then I let everything get some sunshine for a day.
oh my word,isn't that wonderful!!!!

what did it look like your glass therm. was reading?

It has been awhile so I can't remember for sure but I want to say it was around 102. I know it was higher than it should have been.
What kind of babies are these? They are sooo cute!

Thanks! Most of them are Easter Eggers but oddly enough some of them are refrigerated eating eggs I bought from a local chicken keeper when I bought the EE hatching eggs from her. I cracked one to eat and saw it was fertile and they were blue green and brown eggs too, so I decided to try incubating some of them and had a 100% hatch rate out of the 6 refrigerated ones! Two of them seem to be EEs but 3 look just like RIR babies and 1 looks like a California White? I can't quite figure out what kind of rooster it is that all the babies look like their mommas (I am assuming)
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I have decided I "need" a second ECO so I can hatch more! I think Brinsea should give second time buyers a discount!!!
I did have to adjust mine. I pulled it out of the box, plugged it in for a couple of hours, and the glass thermometer read at about 96.5F.
I am suspicious of a cooler spot on the back row of my Brinsea eco 20-those chicks are hatching a day and half later than the others-actually one silkie hatched this morning 2 days later than the others in the front 2/3rds of the bator. Is it possible the last 2 could still hatch? The actual due date was yesterday.

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