THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

I know next to nothing about these little guys, but I'd be optimistic for your eggs.

I'm having a slow and staggered hatch as well. I have noticed a lot of temperature fluctuation with my incubator (same one you have
), but thankfully it always sided on being too cool rather than too warm. I can't help but wonder if that's the reason the hatch is dragging out as long as it has. Doesn't help that these little buggers were completely silent up until go-time.

The 22nd day begins at 2pm for me. I have three chicks that have hatched, and two other eggs have pips. There is one more sitting around that hasn't done much, so we'll see. Sounds like we're a bit on a similar timeline.

Best of luck with your hatch, hope it all works out.
Good luck to you too! Nothing today (day 23). We are going to do the float test on the last 4 this evening-2 sebrights and 2 silkies. However we won't be disappointed much (would like the other two silkies but) we have 10 little peeps running around-not too bad for the first try! The shipped eggs ran 22% for silkies and 42% for golden sebrights so far. We were 100% on our own RIRx red star test eggs from our hens that have been laying for 2 months. I have promised myself to post pics this weekend! I have promised to put the bator away until March.
I know next to nothing about these little guys, but I'd be optimistic for your eggs.

I'm having a slow and staggered hatch as well. I have noticed a lot of temperature fluctuation with my incubator (same one you have
), but thankfully it always sided on being too cool rather than too warm. I can't help but wonder if that's the reason the hatch is dragging out as long as it has. Doesn't help that these little buggers were completely silent up until go-time.

The 22nd day begins at 2pm for me. I have three chicks that have hatched, and two other eggs have pips. There is one more sitting around that hasn't done much, so we'll see. Sounds like we're a bit on a similar timeline.

Best of luck with your hatch, hope it all works out.

Wow I just looked at your website and we must be distant relatives
I love the tumbleweed houses (my DH builds cabins) and have been reading GME news for years. The Back to Basics book I have came from my Grandmother who gave it to me in the 1990s. I would consider trading hatching eggs for beer if either could survive the cross country trip!
Knowing my family, we very well could be!
My father had 9 brothers and 5 sisters and to this day I'm not sure who is my cousin and who isn't! And even if we're not related, I commend you on your extraordinary taste!
That's awesome that your DH builds cabins! And beer for eggs would be a fantastic trade!

Update on the last egg- we have a pip! 22 hours into day 21. I sure hope you see signs of life soon on your egg. Keep us posted!

And now, gratuitous photos of chicks for good luck:


Mine just arrived yesterday and I have it warming up and plan to test it out asap with some of my barnyard lady mixes that I've been collecting all week since I ordered it!

Plan to relax and read this entire thread this evening and get the low-down!

I'm very excited, I'm shoving my Hovabator 1583 back in the box for now to test this new one out and hope that I have less 'humidity' stress this go-round!
I've had it plugged in for 2 hours now, and the temp is at about 99F with the thermometer it came with, but the cradle does not seem to have moved...did I put it in there wrong? Shouldn't it appear to be in a different position after 2 hours?
Knowing my family, we very well could be!
My father had 9 brothers and 5 sisters and to this day I'm not sure who is my cousin and who isn't! And even if we're not related, I commend you on your extraordinary taste!
That's awesome that your DH builds cabins! And beer for eggs would be a fantastic trade!

Update on the last egg- we have a pip! 22 hours into day 21. I sure hope you see signs of life soon on your egg. Keep us posted!

And now, gratuitous photos of chicks for good luck:

Totally cute! Update: Our other four didn't hatch so I after float test I opened and they were obvious quitters somewhere between around day 10-14. But we have 10 little peeps and that wasn't too bad with shipped eggs.
Now how do I convince my DH that we need to hatch more silkies I mean gosh we only have 2!

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