THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

I lost a chick to shrink wrapping once but that was a different incubator and my first hatch. Now I know what to look for and do.

I try to keep my humidity in the %40s for days 1-18. I start by filling one channel which seems to get humidity into the %40s. When it goes below 40% I add more water. I don't let it get above 50%

For lock-down I try to keep my humidity from 65%-70%. If it goes above 75%, I open the vent a little or just wait, it usually goes down. My humidity fluctuates between 60% and 80% so the average is then in that 65%-70% range that works well for me.

I've not found it easy to keep humidity up in my ECO20 at lock-down even with filling both water channels. Then there comes the tricky situation with having to refill them without opening the incubator. I found something that works well for me for keeping my humidity up during lock-down. I put a zip tie around the top grill near the vent hole and folded up a paper towel and put it through the zip tie loop. Then I just watch my hygrometer and syringe more water onto the paper towel as needed throughout the day. It raises the humidity pretty quick. Even with filling both channels at lock-down I find myself having to add more water to the paper towel a few times a day. The paper towel method allows me to be more precise, which I like and keeps my humidity up in the range I want.

I think high humidity at lock-down is very important. I think generally shrink-wrapping is much more of a danger during lock-down than drowning. People that have chicks that drown, I think it's usually due to having the humidity too high for days 1-18. Essentially the chicks are unlikely to survive regardless of lock-down humidity. The eggs haven't lost enough water and by the time you reach lock-down it is too late.
Cielo, I agree about the humidity. I do dry hatches. I don't add much, if any water, my houses humidity is above 50%, so I don't add water till lockdown. I cut up cheap sponges and put in the channels, then lay a papertowel over the bottom. I try to keep it at 70% during lockdown. If I need to add water I put it in with a straw and syringe.
Do you find that the sponges hold more water? I've heard a number of people talk about using sponges. I haven't been able to make them work well for me but the idea of putting pieces in the channels sounds interesting and I may try it. I've got eggs in there now... Do you moisten the paper towel or do you put it over the black tray for the eggs to hatch on?
Your house is pretty humid. I live in a arid environment and my house runs dry. Are you doing any incubating right now?
Do you find that the sponges hold more water? I've heard a number of people talk about using sponges. I haven't been able to make them work well for me but the idea of putting pieces in the channels sounds interesting and I may try it. I've got eggs in there now... Do you moisten the paper towel or do you put it over the black tray for the eggs to hatch on?
Your house is pretty humid. I live in a arid environment and my house runs dry. Are you doing any incubating right now?

I put the papertowel over the water channels to help wick the water up and it creates a larger surface area for the moisture. I am incubating now. I have 2 eggs with internal pips that I hope hatch today, so I can sanitize the incubator. Then I have several more going into lockdown tomorrow, or the next day if these are slow to hatch. I usually have both incubators going all the time. I am a addict.

The sponges do hold more water. I think they really help. Try it on your next lockdown and see how it goes. I always dispose of them afterwards. I don't think they can be cleaned well enough to be reused.
Do you find that the sponges hold more water? I've heard a number of people talk about using sponges. I haven't been able to make them work well for me but the idea of putting pieces in the channels sounds interesting and I may try it. I've got eggs in there now... Do you moisten the paper towel or do you put it over the black tray for the eggs to hatch on?
Your house is pretty humid. I live in a arid environment and my house runs dry. Are you doing any incubating right now?

I put the papertowel over the water channels to help wick the water up and it creates a larger surface area for the moisture. I am incubating now. I have 2 eggs with internal pips that I hope hatch today, so I can sanitize the incubator. Then I have several more going into lockdown tomorrow, or the next day if these are slow to hatch. I usually have both incubators going all the time. I am a addict.

The sponges do hold more water. I think they really help. Try it on your next lockdown and see how it goes. I always dispose of them afterwards. I don't think they can be cleaned well enough to be reused.

Any sponges you recommend?
I get nervous about sponges because they smell weird. I think I'm nervous about some kind of chemical off-gassing or something.
The vents SHOULD be OPEN during lockdown. They NEED oxygen as much (or more than) humidity.

Especially in an Octogon 20....there is only the one tiny hole on top...
I put the papertowel over the water channels to help wick the water up and it creates a larger surface area for the moisture. I am incubating now. I have 2 eggs with internal pips that I hope hatch today, so I can sanitize the incubator. Then I have several more going into lockdown tomorrow, or the next day if these are slow to hatch. I usually have both incubators going all the time. I am a addict.

The sponges do hold more water. I think they really help. Try it on your next lockdown and see how it goes. I always dispose of them afterwards. I don't think they can be cleaned well enough to be reused.

Any sponges you recommend?
I get nervous about sponges because they smell weird. I think I'm nervous about some kind of chemical off-gassing or something.

I use the cheap paper kind.
I love
my Brinsea ECO 20 for incubating, because it holds temps/ humidity steady and turning is a cinch, but I don't hatch in it either. I use a homemade styrofoam hatcher for lockdown because it gives the chicks more room to hatch, easier to keep humidity up, give them more air circulation, and it's way easier to clean afterwards. What do you hatch yours in?
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