THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

Just had a 80% hatch on shipped eggs! Getting ready to load it up again. Works like a charm.

I put 17 eggs in my Brinsea 12:15 AM 3/16 13 of these were shipped eggs. 4 were from my Barred Rocks that had only been laying for about 10 days, 3 were from my Imported English Orp's that I really didn't think that they would be fertile. Anyway on day 7 there were 3 of the shipped eggs that were not fertile, 1 barred rock wasn't fertile and none of the Orp's were fertile.
From the 13 fertile eggs that I put into lock down I had 13 babies hatched. 100% of fertile eggs hatched. Can't get any better then that. All are doing just fine. Every one popped right out of eggs on their own and I did not loose any of them. Every one hatched on day 21. I had one pip the night of the 20 day when I went to bed. This hatch went PERFECT. I have been having anywhere from 85 to 100% hatch rate with my brinsea. I do put them in my hova bator to hatch because it is more room for the hatchlings. I don't like crowding them. What is really nice about this hatch on the shipped eggs, I paid for 8+ eggs on auction, the lady sent me 13 and I got 10 babies so I really got more babies then I even paid for. lol WHOOPEEEEE. These were the Don Nelson line of Rhode Island Reds. My neighbor's daughter even took two of them to church this morning to teach the children about the miracle of birth. She took two chicks and the egg shells that they came out of. lol
Happy Easter everyone.

Anyone here using a wet bulb thermometer in their Octagon 20 Eco ?
Just wondering what you are using & how you have it setup in the Oct20 so it doesn't roll around ?
Any pictures would be helpful...
Anyone here using a wet bulb thermometer in their Octagon 20 Eco ?
Just wondering what you are using & how you have it setup in the Oct20 so it doesn't roll around ?
Any pictures would be helpful...

brinsea make a specially designed wetbulb fro the octo 20 eco that plugs into the side of it

it fits into here

brinsea make a specially designed wetbulb fro the octo 20 eco that plugs into the side of it

it fits into here

Not sure but I don't think those pictures are of the reg Brinsea ECO 20. Mine doesn't have any place like that on the side to plug anything into. On mine, the top fits down in the sides. This one looks like a different model then mine is. I don't use the wet bulb anyway but was just saying.That top looks nothing like mine and I just got it about 7 - 8 months ago. I love it and have no problems with incubation in it. I do hatch in one of my Hova Bators though because of the room for chicks.
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i just got my Advance ex yesterday and it looks like how you explain so im guessing the 2012 model has changed

i noticed on their website they now call that older model the MKIII
i just got my Advance ex yesterday and it looks like how you explain so im guessing the 2012 model has changed

i noticed on their website they now call that older model the MKIII

I thought that yours was the advance. Mine is the plain Eco 20. The advance is just what it says, Advance. lol They are quite different. The lids fit differently on the Eco 20 and the Eco 20 advance. If zekii has the one like mine, the wet bulb won't fit in the lid. I've been tempted to upgrade this fall. I love my Brinsea for incubation.
Been a while, but just some quick info.

we all know that all of our hatching situations,etc. are different, so bear this in mind in what i say here:


I have three O20E units, as you know if you have read the whole thread (and have a memory). I have been a bit displeased with how this bator is affected by the ambient temperature. It really is in no way a 'rock solid' temperature holder. I have even seen over two degree temp changes with no change in ambient temperature and RH at all.

NOTE: I AM NOT TALKING OF MASSIVE AND DEADLY SPIKES OR DROPS IN TEMP. But at various times i do need to adjust temperature up and down in mid course to keep things where they need to be.
I personally wish this was not the case. but it is the case, in my experience.


I have also found that the fuller the bator is with eggs, the lower is the hatch rate. This may have something to do with air circulation; but I am not so sure about that...
The only 100 % hatches i have had have been with the bators containing only 5 to ten eggs. WHEREAS bators with 20-24 have given hatch rates as low as 79.5 %.
Again, there could be many factors involved here. But I just wanted to put this up so at least someone could see it and store it in his/her mind. Maybe it could help someone.

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