The Buckeye Thread

Photos are never a good way to truly evaluate a bird, as we all have stated. That is why I like to take several angles of each one when I want to share.
I have been sorting my flock all week. I pulled about 25 cockerels out yesterday and put them in the cull pasture. I suppose I am being very critical of them. I am sure some would scratch their heads as to why they went over the fence, but I am looking at the Standard of PERFECTION to gauge them against, and I suppose my standard has a check list they have to pass. So far, I have 3 in a pen to use either as breeders or show birds. I have about 20-25 more to go through and about 24 hens and pullets to sort and cut down to about 8 if they all pass the checklist. I figured I hatched well over 300 Buckeyes this year. Would have loved to have had all of them to pick from, but then I wouldn't be able to pay for feed. I do know there are certain ones that catch my eye over and over again from the time they are juvies on up, and those are usually the ones that are making it to another year on my farm. My next step will be to put them on a scale. Last year's breeding cock (that I lost due to a leg problem this summer) was at an even 8-pounds after I let him out of the pen with 10 hens all winter.
I am looking forward to putting a couple of my Bucks on the show table this coming weekend at our State Meet. It is getting cold here, but I know my birds are used to that.
I breed primarily from cocks and hens. If I have an exceptional pullet, I will use her as a breeder but generally I like for them to make the one year mark. By doing this, among other things, I have eliminated Marek's and minimized losses to heat stress, {summer survivability / hardiness - important here in the deep South and will be important elsewhere in the future}.

I do not hatch enough out to work on all the things in the SOP so I just stick to type as that is what is important for my purpose -- i.e. food on the table. I wish I had the time & wherewithal to hatch & choose from 300 -- my hats off to you . . .
Interesting comment regarding slate bar made by ABA President (and longtime poultry judge) Matt Lhamon today. He said (and I was given permission to quote him):

"I do have a pet peeve about some Buckeyes I see. They should have a little smut in the back but I am seeing some with complete slate undercolor and that is incorrect and make them appear way to dark on the surface! Seen several in the Junior show in Lucasville that way!"

I know some folks are going that way, but not all judges agree it's the right way to go, just fyi.
That tells me that if you like to breed a dark buckeye and value the thicker bar of slate, stay away from Mr. Matt Lhamon! I know several judges that really value a thick bar of slate or as he calls it "smut" (make sure it is a BAR and not just slate colored to the skin). If Mr. Lhamon means "to dark" refering to actual black feathers on the surface. I would agree with him; but if it is dark red mahogany; you know me......the darker the better! Is that right or wrong?!?!? Its up to the individual breeder. All that I know is that it has worked for me!!!
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Well I guess the standard needs changing if there isn't supposed to be a bar if slate on the back. Also, mahogany red is a pretty deep, DARK color. It would be nonsense to breed and evaluate a bird that goes against the standard. Spotty slate on the back IS pretty much smut, IMO.
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Congratulations to you buckeye chicken on your win! I would like to see a lot smaller and tighter comb on that boy though. He appears to have nice size to him for his age and good leg color.
That tells me that if you like to breed a dark buckeye and value the thicker bar of slate, stay away from Mr. Matt Lhamon! I know several judges that really value a thick bar of slate or as he calls it "smut" (make sure it is a BAR and not just slate colored to the skin). If Mr. Lhamon means "to dark" refering to actual black feathers on the surface. I would agree with him; but if it is dark red mahogany; you know me......the darker the better! Is that right or wrong?!?!? Its up to the individual breeder. All that I know is that it has worked for me!!!

I do believe he is talking about slate all over rather than the just the back.
Well I guess the standard needs changing if there isn't supposed to be a bar if slate on the back. Also, mahogany red red is a pretty deep, DARK color. It would be nonsense to breed and evaluate a bird that goes against the standard. Spotty slate on the back IS pretty much smut, IMO.
I think you are misunderstanding what Matt said.

He said the bar of slate should only be on the back, not all over in the undercolor. He says it should be present in the bird as it is described in the Standard now: "UNDERCOLOR OF ALL SECTIONS: Red, except for back which should show a bar of slate."

And when he said (sic) "to(o) dark" he was referring to the ground color of the birds, not black splotches.

FWIW, having been involved in committees making changes and additions to the Standard several times, I'm here to tell you it's pretty darned difficult to get the ok to do, and one has to have a very valid reason to do so, not just a personal preference for a specific way you like how a bird might look that doesn't match the way it is written now.

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