The Buckeye Thread

If I read her correctly, she had the birds evaluated by the breeder when she got them. If he or she is a knowledgeable, reputable breeder, as opposed to someone who has only had birds a year or two, then she's probably not going too far off course.
Also, FWIW, I think if her chicken waddles, she might want to get it a swimming pool. :lol:

Buckeyechicken wasn't referencing Munchies chickens when he posted his comment. He was giving his opinion to Walt on using photographs with his mentor or others to gage how close he is to SOP.

Waddling can be a sign that the bird had Mareks in its youth as it effects how they walk or carry themselves if they survive. Can chickens swim? Lol :) We need a video of that to laugh together about.

Have a great day all.
Buckeyechicken wasn't referencing Munchies chickens when he posted his comment. He was giving his opinion to Walt on using photographs with his mentor or others to gage how close he is to SOP.

Waddling can be a sign that the bird had Mareks in its youth as it effects how they walk or carry themselves if they survive. Can chickens swim? Lol :) We need a video of that to laugh together about.

Have a great day all.
slfarms Waddles was a typo it was supposed to say wattles auto correct's fault
Buckeyechicken wasn't referencing Munchies chickens when he posted his comment. He was giving his opinion to Walt on using photographs with his mentor or others to gage how close he is to SOP.

Waddling can be a sign that the bird had Mareks in its youth as it effects how they walk or carry themselves if they survive. Can chickens swim? Lol :) We need a video of that to laugh together about.

Have a great day all.

There is a youtube vid with chickens swimming in a pool. I wouldn't try this though.

Yes but why do you have to wait until it is show time to get your bird evaluated.You could be going in the wrong direction until show time. I think pictures are a good way to point out the color, comb, wattles, feet, and overall appearance of your bird it is up to the owner to get a photo of the animal that is as close to the color as possible. I personally would like opinions from a picture than going blind into a show. Then when the judge looks at my birds he/she can give me more pointers. If a person has a SOP they should know a little about the breed they are showing. The person also needs (my opinion only) to find a good mentor to help them along. I have listened to breeders that I have bought rabbits from and was lead in the wrong direction.  They want to sell you the bird or rabbit. This is my opinion only.

I had to go back to make sure, but I don't see where I said I wasn't welcome to opinions and I've posted a couple more photos when requested. So I'm not sure where the assumption that I was refusing other peoples opinions and I wanted to wait for judges.

My next show is in December, I was supposed to have one this month but I have to go to a basic pump operators course for the fire department. Honestly, I'd rather be at the show.

I listen to opinions In fact Slfarms gave me several honest opinions and I thanked them. However, a picture is a picture and extremely limited at that. I will take the opinion of someone who has gone hands on with a bird over someone who looked at a picture 100 fold. Even the judge may be not as familiar with a buckeye so his/her opinion may be held with less weight from another judge who knows Buckeyes. An opinion is just that and taken as so, everyone has them but I have learned if I had lived my life on everyone else's opinions I wouldn't of gotten far.

I have a good mentor/breeder and another breeders help. It is ultimately up to me to decide the path of my birds through my vision.

Then my stupid iPhone sucks with pictures either come across too dark at times and usually the red comb wattles seem to lack the correct color and shine same with the feathers.

As for shows some are there to win, some are there to just gain knowledge, display the breed and learn about other breeds. Me, couldn't care less if I placed that's not my goal. If one of my boys did, good for them :D What matters to me is the experience that I gather, the people I meet and that I hopefully inspire someone else to want to participate in breed conservation.
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As for shows some are there to win, some are there to just gain knowledge, display the breed and learn about other breeds. Me, couldn't care less if I placed that's not my goal. If one of my boys did, good for them
What matters to me is the experience that I gather, the people I meet and that I hopefully inspire someone else to want to participate in breed conservation.
Congratulations - what an inspiriting comment; clearly, you have already won!
It's interesting that we discredit pictures as a source to view and possibly help others with buckeyes.

In the Old English club we do a Virtual show every month to two months. All via pics. APA judges and those who are considered experts of the breed go through the entries and place the birds like it was a true show. Side view photos only. In addition they critique, mentor and help us figure out how to improve our birds or if they are not a good representation of the birds sop they will tell us why and to cull.

I think that's why I have an open mind to using pics for learning and helping others as it's what I'm used to.

Videos work well also as others have stated.

Just wanted to share what other groups are doing :)
I had to go back to make sure, but I don't see where I said I wasn't welcome to opinions and I've posted a couple more photos when requested. So I'm not sure where the assumption that I was refusing other peoples opinions and I wanted to wait for judges.

My next show is in December, I was supposed to have one this month but I have to go to a basic pump operators course for the fire department. Honestly, I'd rather be at the show.

I listen to opinions In fact Slfarms gave me several honest opinions and I thanked them. However, a picture is a picture and extremely limited at that. I will take the opinion of someone who has gone hands on with a bird over someone who looked at a picture 100 fold. Even the judge may be not as familiar with a buckeye so his/her opinion may be held with less weight from another judge who knows Buckeyes. An opinion is just that and taken as so, everyone has them but I have learned if I had lived my life on everyone else's opinions I wouldn't of gotten far.

I have a good mentor/breeder and another breeders help. It is ultimately up to me to decide the path of my birds through my vision.

Then my stupid iPhone sucks with pictures either come across too dark at times and usually the red comb wattles seem to lack the correct color and shine same with the feathers.

As for shows some are there to win, some are there to just gain knowledge, display the breed and learn about other breeds. Me, couldn't care less if I placed that's not my goal. If one of my boys did, good for them
What matters to me is the experience that I gather, the people I meet and that I hopefully inspire someone else to want to participate in breed conservation.
I dont think I was directing my comments to you
AFAIK, they don't willingly run into the water and start paddling around. If they panic and try to flap, or get waterlogged they'll sink, but if they're put into the water calmly, they do float. I had chickens swimming in my cast iron bathtub when I was bathing them before the Tulsa State Fair. They resemble chicken boats. It's pretty cute actually.

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