The Buckeye Thread

Does it really matter who's Buckeyes won at which show? Is it important enough to argue over? Because that is where this discussion's heading and then we'll have a mess and HOW does that help the breed? Let's rather talk about Buckeyes and teach the newbies something here. You guys have so much knowledge to share between you, let's hear it.

(And if you want to discuss this further take it to PM)
Boldly going where no other chicken has gone....
I was doing chores this afternoon. We had a little new snow fall last night, apparently, and I have a path from the mixed flock feeding area to a coop with Dark Cornish, to a coop with some juvies, back to the mixed flock. I got to the second coop and turned around and one of my Buckeye cockerels had walked across the fresh snow to come check things out. I am sure any of us in snow country know how much chickens fear fresh fallen snow! This boy just walked right along like it was no big deal. It made me chuckle. But this is kind of a typical thing with these Bucks, they just aren't your run of the mill birds.
My thoughts go out to all of you that live in the path of this storm. Stay safe and hope all fair well. So far we have minimal rain. Flooding though from 8 inches of melted snow.
This Sunday morning:

The pond is overflowing.
The pastures appear to have rivers running through them.
The corral around the barn for the big animals has mud 6" deep.
The rain is not predicted to abate until late tomorrow morning.

Still raining/sleeting here and it sounds like your pastures/pond are identical to mine. I feel for the horses. Chickens are dry and warm in the barn. They've refused to go out.
Here's Buck leading the flock he's missing the other two in his trio but does duty as the laying flock roo and I can say he's everything you'd want in a rooster
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