The Buckeye Thread

Set 24 eggs Saturday... and so it begins.

Looks to be about 5 degrees in the morning with wind chills in the minus somethings... the birds don't mind (of course) but my thin southern blood is griping along with my nose, fingers and ears. Tried an experiment and was pleasantly surprised. went to the home depot and got 1) a cinder block 2) a 70 watt incandescent bulb 3) a 2' x 2' piece of precut plywood 4) a drop cord and 5) a light socket with a plug end. - laid down the ply, set the cinder block on it, ran the drop cord to one of the cells, plugged in the light socket and screwed in the light bulb- set a water on top and voila` -instant water heater with no ice in 15 degrees plus wind and no sun. Cost about $20, compare to the heated water stands from Farmtek- $65
NIce job!!
Even with -35 wind chills and stead below zero temperatures, my Buckeye girls are still giving me a dozen eggs a day! Bless their hearts - they are good girls! I have them shut in the barn right now - don't want them to get out in a snow drift! The last day I let them out was Sunday and when it was time to go in for the night I had to rescue one of my girls who had gotten stuck in a snow drift and couldn't get out! I have snow drifts piled up around my barns that are chest high. Sigh - this cold and snow is miserable! IMy Buckeyes are much more hardy than any of my other critters!
Even with -35 wind chills and stead below zero temperatures, my Buckeye girls are still giving me a dozen eggs a day! Bless their hearts - they are good girls! I have them shut in the barn right now - don't want them to get out in a snow drift! The last day I let them out was Sunday and when it was time to go in for the night I had to rescue one of my girls who had gotten stuck in a snow drift and couldn't get out! I have snow drifts piled up around my barns that are chest high. Sigh - this cold and snow is miserable! IMy Buckeyes are much more hardy than any of my other critters!

Amazing. They're really tough birds. You've given another great reason to always count your birds every night to be sure everyone is safe. I hope I never need to do it for that reason myself though. Hope your weather improves soon.
No eggs from my buckeyes the past two days (although one of my leghorn pullets started laying on Sunday and gave us another egg today, or maybe it was yesterday late seeing as the egg was frozen solid and split when we collected it just now). The snow accumulation isn't so bad, it's the snow drifts forming in the roads! Went out to take water to the birds yesterday morning and got the jeep stuck in a snow drift in the middle of the road about 150 yards from the driveway to my grandmother's farm. Almost got it out too, except my shovel broke. The chickens seemed ok in spite of the weather, though none have been brave enough to venture out of the coop. Or even into the part of the coop where the snow has managed to blow in for that matter. This morning the gate to the run didn't want to open. So in order to ensure that we could get to the coop to water the birds we closed the pop door so we could leave the run open. On the bright side, the snow drifting by the fence and coop should keep the gate from blowing shut in the winds.
All buckeyes and peafowl made it through the -39 wind chills last night. Whoop whoop!

One buck hen laying an egg when I checked on them around one and took out warm water. I think the birds are going as stir crazy as I am.

Friday heading to the 40's so they can come out if they want then.

It's amazing how the bucks act like its spring time when it's so blasted cold. My leghorn, peafowl and turkeys were curled into themselves.

Hope everyone is fairing well.
Well good and bad of this week.
First time for me experiencing the arctic cold while feeding and watering.
Used a sled we had on hand and made the job a bit easier getting the supplies to each coop.
Lost one utility buckeye. But overall glad to see this weather behind us.
Starting to make plans on cleaning and re organizing the hatching room to get ready for cute little puff balls in a handful of weeks.
Hello to all.
I'm looking for Buckeye breeders in central to northern Indiana and southern Michigan. I've since contacted JoshU who said there are people over here who breed Buckeyes so I'm putting the call out to help put me in touch with said breeders.

Your help is much appreciated. Thank you and Peace!

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