The Buckeye Thread

I've been posting a series of desirable traits and birds as they relate to the buckeye breed. Now I'd like to share the other side of the spectrum. I purchased 3 dozen eggs a couple years ago. From those eggs, 3 birds hatched and only 1 chick lived. The bird pictured below is that bird and I kept him to teach people a couple things. Soon after I purchased these eggs, I was approached here on BYC and was told that I got champion caliber buckeyes due to my purchase. I fed this bird identical to the other fowl. Yet, he never grew to standard weight (actually weights over a pound underweight), has a split wing on both wings, has a terrible head, has no undercolor, and no reddish horn in his leg color (not to mention thin shanks...directly related to poor bone structure) ...oh yeah....a wry tail with white in it?!?! This is exactly what I mean when I tell people to do their homework.....and not to let people blow smoke! The conversation is still posted here on the site
Nothing positive can ever be done with this bird except teaching people what they don't want!! Yet people still breed with it?!?! Champion birds?!? He wouldn't even make a good stewpot bird!! Which further justifies the statement.....not all buckeyes are created equal!!

In the very first picture, I see a glaring example of a bad beak. I don't even know what you would call that, but it looks like a 'sore thumb' to me. Does not blend at all with the face and looks like an odd puzzle piece someone glued in place.
As has been mentioned in this forum and others, you have to start with the head and then go from there. In Buckeye, you want a broad head with a wide brown, similar to the Cornish this breed carries in its blood. This bird has a good example of a bad head, too narrow. If you have a little, narrow head, chances are you are going to have a body that matches it. This is a trait you can see at a fairly early age too, not something they start with and outgrow. I always get excited to watch a chick grow out when I see the nice broad heads right out of the egg.
I am not bothered with the color on the legs so much as how SKINNY those shanks are for a cock of that age especially! Whoa! That is a real crow bait kind of bird.
I don't understand why people who want to breed these lovely birds would settle on poor genetics when there are people around who are breeding good Buckeyes and willing to share?
In an effort to teach people what the buckeye should look like, specifically the females. The pics below are posted. Cushions or excess fluff on the back/saddle and on the thighs should be avoided. As depicted in the standard, a flat topline should be present with a tail angle; not the horizontal tail feature. The first pic is of an ALBC pullet and you can clearly see what I'm refering too. The second is a picture of a female that will be going into my brood pens.

Josh, that linked thread brings back awesome memories..,..a walk down memory lane is always a good one!!! I particularly like post 175......glad I didn't make him wait too terribly long.....LOL

Yes I really hope OSUman is a member of the APA. He may be in a bit of a shock when he opens his yearbook real soon.
In an effort to teach people what the buckeye should look like, specifically the females. The pics below are posted. Cushions or excess fluff on the back/saddle and on the thighs should be avoided. As depicted in the standard, a flat topline should be present with a tail angle; not the horizontal tail feature. The first pic is of an ALBC pullet and you can clearly see what I'm refering too. The second is a picture of a female that will be going into my brood pens.

Humm...looks like that first bird could use a good shot of Dark Cornish.
I wouldn't suggest that Turk, but I would suggest better selective breeding.....but hey....this bird is a recipient of that "gold-standard" breeding program......I believe it's more of breed-just-to-populate idea more than the breed-to-the-standard mentality?!?! This is what I want people to see!!!
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Anyone here going to the EOPA show this Saturday? It's in Talmedge ohio. Nathanael Medley has worked very hard on this his fist show ever. I am very proud of him and I believe he is very close to 1000 birds. I hope it is a great success for him.

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