The Buckeye Thread

Wow, he is beautiful! Got me thinking. Would it be ok if I posted a picture of a rooster I have that I can not for the life of me figure out his parentage? I hatched him and two others just like him from my barnyard mix of chickens. We have a buckeye rooster and hen running around with other breeds including Gamefowl. I have been thinking lately that the rooster reminds me of a Buckeye rooster with his build. Would y'all be willing to give your input on what his background could be?

Go for it!
Wow, he is beautiful! Got me thinking. Would it be ok if I posted a picture of a rooster I have that I can not for the life of me figure out his parentage? I hatched him and two others just like him from my barnyard mix of chickens. We have a buckeye rooster and hen running around with other breeds including Gamefowl. I have been thinking lately that the rooster reminds me of a Buckeye rooster with his build. Would y'all be willing to give your input on what his background could be?

I'd love to see him! It would be great if you could list the possible breeds as well. This will be fun to try and guess the parents!
Go for it!
Ok. Thank you!
I'd love to see him! It would be great if you could list the possible breeds as well. This will be fun to try and guess the parents!
I will try to get better pictures of him tomorrow and post them.

He is 27 weeks old.
I have 3 Silkie roosters and 3 Silkie in that area but there is no way he has Silkie in him so not listing those.

Possible parents:
1 Buckeye
2 Gamefowl

1 Buckeye
1 Red Star
1 Partridge Cochin
1 Delaware
1 Dominique
3 Buff Orpingtons
2 EE
1 Gamefowl

We are working on a larger coop to separate breeds. We now have 2 young Buckeye hens that will go with our rooster and the other hen in their own area when the coop is complete.
Ok. Let the guessing begin!
My friend has a roo that looks just like him other than hers is way older and she has ameraucana hens but the one she has have a large floppy comb. She has leghorn roosters though.. I am guessing that the hen might be an ee mixed with a gamefowl... Does your game fowl roo have the white or yellow feathers around the neck and saddle or is your roo have a red neck? Of course I might win the lottery before I get this one right..>LOL

I am sure that Minniechickmama would get this one right..
Ok. Thank you!
I will try to get better pictures of him tomorrow and post them.

He is 27 weeks old.
I have 3 Silkie roosters and 3 Silkie in that area but there is no way he has Silkie in him so not listing those.

Possible parents:
1 Buckeye
2 Gamefowl

1 Buckeye
1 Red Star
1 Partridge Cochin
1 Delaware
1 Dominique
3 Buff Orpingtons
2 EE
1 Gamefowl

We are working on a larger coop to separate breeds. We now have 2 young Buckeye hens that will go with our rooster and the other hen in their own area when the coop is complete.
Ok. Let the guessing begin!
I'll go first.
What colour are the game birds?

No feathered legs, so not cochin. No barring, so not Dominique or Delaware. He has a game fowl shape- long and lean. I would call him Birchen. (Gold- so a split)
Because of the white earlobes...I don't think any of the brown laying breeds are in him- though the EE's could have some white in their earlobes, I know a couple of my Araucanas do. I don't see Orpington at all.

Buckeye is a possibility on one side, but the white earlobes bug me- can't figure where they would come from.
My friend has a roo that looks just like him other than hers is way older and she has ameraucana hens but the one she has have a large floppy comb. She has leghorn roosters though.. I am guessing that the hen might be an ee mixed with a gamefowl... Does your game fowl roo have the white or yellow feathers around the neck and saddle or is your roo have a red neck? Of course I might win the lottery before I get this one right..>LOL

I am sure that Minniechickmama would get this one right..
I really don't think he has EE in him. Our EEs have the slate colored legs and he has the yellow like the Buckeye.
Here are our two Game Roosters

Ok. Thank you!
I will try to get better pictures of him tomorrow and post them.

He is 27 weeks old.
I have 3 Silkie roosters and 3 Silkie in that area but there is no way he has Silkie in him so not listing those.

Possible parents:
1 Buckeye
2 Gamefowl

1 Buckeye
1 Red Star
1 Partridge Cochin
1 Delaware
1 Dominique
3 Buff Orpingtons
2 EE
1 Gamefowl

We are working on a larger coop to separate breeds. We now have 2 young Buckeye hens that will go with our rooster and the other hen in their own area when the coop is complete.
Ok. Let the guessing begin!

I am calling it a Dom hen and the Game rooster. If you had a Red Buckeye, I think you would have more than just the yellowing on the rooster feathers.
The silver (white and black combo) is coming from either the Dom or Delaware. OR depending on what your EEs look like?
Remember, the Buckeyes started with a BBRed Game rooster, which I think is where that gamey head comes from along with the slight upslope of the body carriage.
I am calling it a Dom hen and the Game rooster. If you had a Red Buckeye, I think you would have more than just the yellowing on the rooster feathers.
The silver (white and black combo) is coming from either the Dom or Delaware. OR depending on what your EEs look like?
Remember, the Buckeyes started with a BBRed Game rooster, which I think is where that gamey head comes from along with the slight upslope of the body carriage.
Guess I should have posted pictures of our Buckeye hen and rooster in that area. Sorry I only have an older picture of her and it's not really showing what she looks like. He is trying to grow back his tail. They've been going through a molt. He looks red in this picture with the sun on him but they are both the mahogany. Note to self. Take better pictures of the flock!


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