The Buckeye Thread

Just got home from a trip to RI and CT very very early this morning ...opened the Poultry Press and was happy to see the ad I took out.
I am just finishing hatching out about 80 all Buckeye or half Buckeye chicks. ( The ones that were most important, two pure Buckeye eggs that made it to pipping from a very well shaken 2 1/2 dozen shipped eggs, unfortunately aren't doing very well and are having a tough time hatching out of the shell. If they aren't out of their shells on their own by morning it doesn't look good for them. Those were the chicks I had highest hopes for improving my stock. I'll have plenty of chicks to keep me busy though and at least I'll still have more Buckeyes, from my rooster and three hens.
Fingers, toes and eyes crossed for a successful hatch from those two @CanadianBuckeye ! It's SO frustrating when you invest time and money into getting hatching eggs from good stock and the PO/courier messes them up in transit.
I wish that we could hatch some more Buckeyes, but I just lost my rooster last week. I thought I had a rooster in the brooder, but I do not. All chicas. What are the chances of this happening? All hatched and all girls.
Oh my….
Sorry, but wow, when you don't want roosters you end up hatching 7/7 boys like my MIL did one year, but when you DO, they're all pullets. Was your rooster with the hens, or rather hens you'd like to hatch eggs from, shortly before he died? If so, and if want to hatch more chicks now, the eggs should still be fertile.
I wish that we could hatch some more Buckeyes, but I just lost my rooster last week. I thought I had a rooster in the brooder, but I do not. All chicas. What are the chances of this happening? All hatched and all girls.

I am sorry to hear that. It is the reason to keep more than one rooster always if you plan to breed them.
I have a buckeye hen 4+ years old, she is everyone's fave. She's been to elementary class rooms and held by every child that comes to the barn. She loves children and is Queen of all she sees, and keeps all 18 other hens toeing the line. I would like more but they are darn hard to find here. Just happens I was at a breeders and she sold her entire flock a few years ago. Seems it's very hard to tell RIR chicks from Buckeye chicks.. anybody have a words of wisdom as to identifying one breed when hatched in a incubator with the other?
I have a buckeye hen 4+ years old, she is everyone's fave. She's been to elementary class rooms and held by every child that comes to the barn. She loves children and is Queen of all she sees, and keeps all 18 other hens toeing the line. I would like more but they are darn hard to find here. Just happens I was at a breeders and she sold her entire flock a few years ago. Seems it's very hard to tell RIR chicks from Buckeye chicks.. anybody have a words of wisdom as to identifying one breed when hatched in a incubator with the other?

The easiest thing to tell the difference is the comb. The pea comb is flat as a chick and the little spikes on a RIR are noticeable at hatch.

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