The Buckeye Thread

These boys I have seem to be very people-friendly as well.  Of course, when they become men, that may change!

I have found with roosters I have owned in the past that they start showing there aggressiveness at a younger age when they have more hormones pumping than they know what to do with! Lol
Just putting in a good word for the Cornish, my dark Cornish are sweethearts and my Buckeye/Cornish cross are spectactular. The roosters are well behaved, so far! In fact, except for the slightly pinched tails and lacing, my Buckeye/Cornish cross hens look pretty good when compared to the Buckeye standard! And, no cushions.......

I've been discovering that the line is just as important as the breed when it comes to temperament. I remove any aggressive individuals- no mercy. Last thing I want is to only be able to admire my birds from a distance!
I double checked my Standard, I think that the entire feather has to be entirely white and visible to be a disqualification- although I'm sure it would be better if he didn't have any white at all, your rooster still might be worth breeding if he has other good qualities?
I think it's an unfortunate cross that got into that line of Buckeyes. In Alberta, there's a serious Buckeye Breeder who actually ended up with an excellent male from that very same source!
It's unfortunate that the original line isn't being bred, now there are even fewer dedicated Buckeye breeders in Canada than before.

I've done some thinking, once my cockerel reaches 6 months I'll post some pics along with some of the pullets, and hopefully get some opinions on their quality- one thing for absolute certainty, I can't un- cull so better safe than sorry.

Having white on a male is a big no-no to breed, you will just see more of it in the offspring, and if the females have any white and you use a male with white, you are asking for trouble then.

I got a crop of bad attitude males this year. Not toward people, but they act like Games with each other. I culled a dozen this Summer just for that reason. They sure dressed out nice though, close to 5-pounds each. I froze two and canned a few others. I outcrossed with another breeder a couple of years ago, never had white showing up and never had bad attitude male Bucks, but this year, it has been crazy with both. I am down to 11 cockerels, 3 are only about 4 months. I am planning to go and check out what Urch has left since I started with his line. I have a couple of clean colored cockerels out here still but they are on the light side. I would rather go a little lighter though than to have black all over and white feathers poking out.
Sometime you have to go bold. My brother was 'bold' (stupid) enough to bring a bunch of well bred (understatement) Chanteclers across the border and I managed to get 20 of them sans frais. There must be a way to get some good Bucks into Canada, even keeping within the law or perhaps just skirting it a little bit. Just kidding???
There is a legal way to do it ;)

I was hoping to get some birds up to CB this year when I hoped to visit my family in Buffalo, but my family here in Minnesota has had several health issues going on this year and I won't make it out. I am hoping we can work something out next year though and maybe get some American stock up there with the Buckeyes.
Sometime you have to go bold. My brother was 'bold' (stupid) enough to bring a bunch of well bred (understatement) Chanteclers across the border and I managed to get 20 of them sans frais. There must be a way to get some good Bucks into Canada, even keeping within the law or perhaps just skirting it a little bit. Just kidding???

Yes it is possible to get some very well bred Bucks across the border- and that's something I am working on for the future
- Please see the above post!
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Having white on a male is a big no-no to breed, you will just see more of it in the offspring, and if the females have any white and you use a male with white, you are asking for trouble then.

I got a crop of bad attitude males this year. Not toward people, but they act like Games with each other. I culled a dozen this Summer just for that reason. They sure dressed out nice though, close to 5-pounds each. I froze two and canned a few others. I outcrossed with another breeder a couple of years ago, never had white showing up and never had bad attitude male Bucks, but this year, it has been crazy with both. I am down to 11 cockerels, 3 are only about 4 months. I am planning to go and check out what Urch has left since I started with his line. I have a couple of clean colored cockerels out here still but they are on the light side. I would rather go a little lighter though than to have black all over and white feathers poking out.

I do have some excessive black in the hackle of my pullets, but the rooster looks pretty clean. Hmmm maybe there is hope after all! He does have a very sweet temperament...... as do the pullets.
There is a legal way to do it ;)

I was hoping to get some birds up to CB this year when I hoped to visit my family in Buffalo, but my family here in Minnesota has had several health issues going on this year and I won't make it out. I am hoping we can work something out next year though and maybe get some American stock up there with the Buckeyes.
(deleted because I realized you meant CanadianBreeder, not Cape Breton...)

Interesting to me is the talk about aggressive roosters, poor temperament, etc.

This is my first season with Buckeye chicks. They are 20 weeks (I think, give or take a week...too lazy to look at the calendar
). These birds are so gentle and laid back. The cockerels aren't even crowing - though they can. They're just keeping quite.

I kept one of the boys with the three pullets and 2 of them are separated in another house and run to get large enough for processing. All of them - even the two separated boys - have the nicest personalities!

Of course, they are still "kids" as far as maturity level for a few more weeks so I have to wait to see how the temperament works out.

I did have a Buckeye breeder tell me once that there are several lines and one of them is "mean as snakes". This person recommended the source we got them from so hopefully I've avoided that line :D
My rooster is really nice with people and oddly enough--to the Brahmas--but he absolutely HATED his own kind--the other cockerel was quiet and not manly at all--he never left his perch in the barn and then one day I heard a screech and he was running for his life, pursued by my other Buckeye. Next day--he disappeared, never to return. He absolutely harassed my poor Marans roosters to death, and then set on the Welsummers--all the chickens who came with him as day olds, and were raised with him.
The only ones he leaves alone are the Silkies, which is good because they are Ninjas in disguise.
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A request to all the Buckeye breeders- please, please, please include a sweet temperament when you select your breeding stock.
When I was researching chicken breeds, Temperament was the NUMBER ONE trait I was looking for, that made Buckeyes my choice of breed. I lucked out, I got sweet birds- but I have heard of a disturbing number of people who have ended up with nasty roosters. I do hope this trend does not continue, and when I do finally get my Buckeye flock going I will select for mellow roosters and hens. I'm sure new flock owners read the same glowing articles I did, and read that Buckeyes are nice birds- and expected to get them- IMO I think it would be detrimental to Buckeyes to breed bad tempered birds. Even if they look perfect! I would have been horribly disappointed if I'd ended up with nasty stock, and gone to a different breed. Minniechickmama I'm very glad to hear that you agree.......
It's amazing how many people love their Unexpected Buckeyes. What a lovely chick you have there!

Thank you! She's definitely the sweetest thing - it was love at first sight for my 10 year old.

People love their expected Buckeyes too! I have shipped out a few batches this year and the recipients just loved them! They are hard to not love.

I imagine they are! If they are even half as sweet as their reputation makes them out to be, who wouldn't want a few?

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