The BYC Book Club

Chicken Girl1

Queen of the Coop
6 Years
Mar 3, 2015
I just finished reading 'Gone with the Wind' for the first time, checking it off my bucket list of Classic books. What are you reading right now? What do you plan on reading? What are your favorite genres? Or books in general? Please stop by and share everything!

My Favorite Genres

Historical Fiction
Any books about the Civil War, Word War I, or World War II

Some of My Favorite Books

The Bible
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Anne of Green Gable series
The Narnia Chronicles
The Borrowed House
Texas Panhandle series
Pride and Prejudice
Sense and Sensibility
The Five Little Pigs
The Scarlet Pimpernel
Little Women

Some of My Favorite Authors

J.R.R Tolkien
Lenora Mattingly Weber
C.S. Lewis
L.M. Montgomery
Janet Lambert
Hilda Van Stockman
Jane Austen
Brain Jacques
Maud Hart Lovelace
Louisa May Alcott
Agatha Christie
Arthur Conan Doyle

*Every 2 -3 weeks one club member will post one or two books as suggestions for us to read as a group. If you would like to suggest a book please PM and I will give you date to post your suggestion!*
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Frankly my dear I don't .....believe you waited this long to read
Gone With the Wind.

(bet you thought I would say something else. But I can't. Not today)

I liked the book way more than the movie.
I never was really interested in the book or the movie until this past year (even though its been on my list longer). I agree with you about the book being better then the movie, although the book definitely was not one of my favorites (I'm not a big fan of endings that aren't complete). Have you read 'Scarlett'? I know it was written by someone else but I was tempted to give it a read.

*Edited to add something*
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My folks gave me a paperback copy of GWTW as a Christmas present when I was 13; Dad said he'd give me "War and Peace" when I finished it (which I did, a week later). He was kidding, of course. I don't know how many times I have re-read it since then, but the book is getting a bit dog-eared.

I read "Scarlett" in the Reader's Digest Condensed version and hated it. Absolutely hated it. I felt like Scarlett got turned into a Mary Sue.

If you like Agatha Christie, you might like Dorothy Sayers.
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My folks gave me a paperback copy of GWTW as a Christmas present when I was 13; Dad said he'd give me "War and Peace" when I finished it (which I did, a week later). He was kidding, of course. I don't know how many times I have re-read it since then, but the book is getting a bit dog-eared.

I read "Scarlett" in the Reader's Digest Condensed version and hated it. Absolutely hated it. I felt like Scarlett got turned into a Mary Sue.

If you like Agatha Christie, you might like Dorothy Sayers.
Oh, thanks for the suggestion!
I have a huge to-be-read list, unfortunately I don't have a whole lot of reading time in my busy schedule, so I listen to a lot of audio books while I do other things. I am currently listening to the memoirs of US Grant. Next up is Oliver Twist.

@Chicken Girl1 , We have a lot of the same favorite books.
Audiobooks are great! Especially when you want to read but have to get things done. @mymilliefleur who is your favorite author(s)?

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