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They can be wiped with anitbac wipes, probably not a bad idea. When ya'll get them, just give them a good wipe down with a wipe or two and they should be fine. Might need to be more diligent about that in the flu season.

Looks like they are having great times!!!
You all just aren't going to believe this. I was coming home last night on a country road and I saw this poor little guy walking along, dragging his backpack. I immediately stopped to see if I could help him as we were out in the middle of nowhere. He was very, very nice but getting parched from being out in the sun for so long.

He said that he was driving across country to find his twin brother, Beaker, and his truck broke down! Nobody had come by for hours, days, weeks... I mean, hours... and his cell phone didn't work out there, no service. I drove him back to his truck so he could get his things and we headed to my house where he could rest up and get his strength back.

He said his name is Popper!

Here's poor Popper with nothing but distance ahead of him...


See his backpack and cell phone... poor guy, he needs a different cell phone company.


Here he is back at his truck, it was really dirty from driving on country roads. We don't know what's wrong with it, but the mechanic said it may not be fixable.


When we got back to our house he was desperate for a drink. I offered him water but he said he really wanted a nice big glass of fresh cold goats milk... so he got it.


He said his feet were cold and asked if we had some slippers for him. I got him a pair... the pair didn't quite work so he just warmed up in one. (Don't tell anyone but he says he just loves Winnie the Poo!


After resting for a few hours he was very curious about where he was, so part of the family took him for a walk to show him around.


That's it for now. He's taking today off to rest and then he wants to see more of Colorado.
Wow Chirpy, that's so great of you and your family to take care of this poor guy. Looks like the right folks stopped to the aide of this young Duck.

Great photos thanks for sharing. I know Popper will love Colorado, we've been there and the place is beautiful.
Those pics are great Chirpy! Sadly Howard has gone MIA
but we can't wait to get Popper after you! Now that the ducks are all in a row again
I'll have to start thinking of what to do with him-oooOOOoooo I have a good idea if he arrives in time!
Scrambled Egg and my fellow BYCers...

I owe you all a huge apology and am deeply sorry for what transpired this morning with Popper. Yes, I am serious, this isn't funny and I feel awful.

Last night our garage door didn't get shut. One of our dogs knocked over a 5 gln. gas can that we had used motor oil in. It's all over the garage floor. We shut the door so the dogs and cats couldn't get in and walk through it. My son said I should get a picture of Poppy near it and say he did it. (We were trying to find the humor in this mess.)

Well, I had to reopen the garage door to get the picture. My sweet old dog (who was probably the one who knocked it over) came in and started to walk toward the oil spill. I immediately screamed "NO"!!! Rule #1: Never scream at a dog. Even the best trained dog thinks he's in major trouble and quickly moves to get away from you. Of course, he ran right thru the oil spoil, right to where Popper was sitting and he got oil on Popper!

Popper hasn't even been a mascot for 48 hours and he's got motor oil down one side of him. I'm so sorry, I really am upset about this.

If anyone knows how to get motor oil out of a stuffed animal and it's clothes... please let me know. I've tried Oxyclean and it did nothing. I've never been able to get oil out of clothes before but I've never wanted it cleaned up as badly as I do this.

We will be spending the day cleaning up the garage.

Again, I am sorry I failed you all by not keeping our mascot clean.

Pictures will follow when I'm in a better mood.
I think you should get some Tide (liquid) laundry soap, pre treat the stain and just let it set there for awhile, Remember do not dry popper after his bath. The heat will only set the stain. If you have a parts store near by, they sale something called "Purple cleaner"...... this stuff is awesome. I think if the tide don't work, this will. Goodluck......don't beat yourself up to bad......just means popper was in a accident and is recovering nicely, he will just have a few scars....
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Ok, here's the poor guy after his terrible ordeal...


He has a little oil on his wing, a smidgen on his cheek and, as you can see, his shirt got the worst of it.

What do you think? Should he go on in his travels with these oil stains? Maybe just a new shirt would do? I'm sorry.
It this the BYC cursed mascot thread? Hahaha....just kidding!!!!!!!!
Chirpy.....I guess Popper has had too much love at your house and he wanted to stay!!!!!!!

Can't wait to see what his next adventures with you will be.

I chuckled all the way through your post and pictures. I read the one about the truck and was expecting a large broken down truck and there was the little toy. Tooooo funny!!!!!
The truth comes out...

After sitting down with Popper and interrogating him for a lloonngg time he finally fessed up and told what really happened. He didn't break until I threatened a flogging with a wet noodle, then he spilled the beans... err, oil.

He misses his brother, Beaker, so much that he thought he could get his truck running if he just changed the oil. So, he snuck out into our barn and got the car ramps. I don't how he did it but he got his truck up onto the ramps so he could get under it to change the oil.


Then, he went into the garage to get the oil. I'm pretty sure he was messing around, playing with our poor, sweet, totally innocent dog and next thing you know... we've got motor oil all over the garage floor and on him!


We've had a serious talk about being responsible, owning up to your mistakes and cleaning up your own messes. He promises to be honest and truthful from now on. He won't blame the dog again.

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I think it's time to call in the experts. There's a team of Fish and Game and Fish and Wildlife biologists here that know how to clean fish oil off eagles - I'm sure they can help out Popper!

Maybe we should rename Popper and the 3rd brother Daryl, so Beaker can introduce them as "Hi, I'm Beaker, and this is my brother Daryl and my other brother Daryl".
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