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Howard and Rusty have been kidnapped.

Howard was replaced with Popper; who promptly got messed up with a huge oil spoil and is thus going to stay with our family. I will continue to post pictures of his adventures here now and then.

Popper has been replaced with?????? To be announced in a day or two. Stayed tuned...
Can someone explain indoor skydiving? is it like bungee jumping?

Hippie Jim was right on. The fan is huge and they have protective mesh over it, the mesh acts like a trampoline so if you fall onto it you bounce back up. They adjust the wind speed according to the size and experience of the person skydiving.

There are no strings or cords attached to you while you are 'flying' - you are just being held up by air. You can do somersaults, back and front flips, fly upside down, etc. ... when you get the experience. The first many times you go the guys there are always right next to you to help you learn how to maneuver and keep you from floating into the wall, the floor, the ceiling or out the door!

My boys had an absolute riot when they went with friends for a birthday party.​
Pringle, I think I got a pm from Tina saying Chuck made it to her house...I believe I did anyway, hope I didn't imagine that!!!

So it sounds like some of the Mascots are making their way around pretty well now..whooo hooooo!!! Finally!!!!! Thank ya'll soooooo much for all the help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, you MUST go back and read the last page. Not only did Parson'swife post that Beaker was there and sent off, I've announced twice in the past page that I have him! sorry for the grrrr in my post, I'm just tired of not being heard!
Wow, you MUST go back and read the last page. Not only did Parson'swife post that Beaker was there and sent off, I've announced twice in the past page that I have him! sorry for the grrrr in my post, I'm just tired of not being heard!

My very sincerest apologies. I had to go back 30 posts to find it.
The confusion is my bad, sorry, I haven't updated the first page..just tried to do that..hopefully it's corrected are the current locations as I know them to be:

1. Chuck the International Chicken - with Tinaack in Australia

2. Fancy the Frizzle - in route to Jolyn

3. Wally the Chicken - in route to Seminolewind

4. Howard the Duck - Mascot Napped

5. Popper- Retired drilling an oil well and lives with Chirpy

6. Popper's Twin - in route to Chirpy

7. Chicken Henry - with Birdnutz

8. Beaker the Duck - with ChickenAnnie

9. Tina the Turkey - Retired after getting in some bar fights

10. Chicken Hippy Jim Jr. in route to Guitarists

11. Rusty the Roo - Mascot Napped
Henry was NOT impressed with our choice of appetitzers.

Met a few of the locals. This is Randy,he's a conductor for the Union Pacific RR.

The other dart team,trying to talk Henry into subbing for their team.

The not so locals.He's from Missouri,out to find himself a prong horn.

The bartender was so impressed with his cosmopoliton ways that she gave him free drinks all night.THEN the party really began.

Special requests to the band.

Then the flirting began!


Well thats all for now. I have to take him in and get him a parka befoe we go anyware else. It's snowing like crazy out right now.
the1much wrote:
would someone please hide Henry??,, i think i wanna replace him

Dude, Henry's a cuteness legend. We guys might have a hard time steppin' into his shoes.
Fun as it mught be to try.

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