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And ctrlvr it does look like Henry is having a good time!

Oh, and the1much, if you play an instrument, be sure to bring it, otherwise we can always put you on washtub bass or the washboard. Or maybe the jug...

risu, sounds like fun @ your house! can I play too? I can bring my keyboard, or for easy portability, some spoons...
to enjoy others fun that they have with a stuffed animal

the joy of sharing something with people you dont know

and i could probably come up with an easy 20 other reasons.

Chickenbuddy check out the beginning of this thread and tha twill explain it to you. Even though we are grown folks with stuffed animals

Hey I didn't get to dance with Ms Fancy yet, and No Jim you can't cut in...
wait your turn!!!!!
not a problem! I figured I'd do the C R T R L O V R for symmetry, but like counting one two three four five six seven eight but I don't think it helps most people much...
I've had people ask me if I was a big fan of former president Carter (thought it was Carter lover), another asked me if it meant "quarter lover", uh, no. I can find the Q, thank you very much!
, another thought it was control lover (must have been dyslexic), etc. etc. it's CRITTER LOVER! Critters! get it! (not you, everyone else who still can't figure out what it is / who I am! )
lol that woulda been keepin the mascots moving, like it's supposed to do. Now we all know that's just way too easy sometimes. lol
LOL!!! What a fun time Henry and Fancy have had!!! WOW!!!!! Thank ya'll soooo much!!! Looks like Thanksgiving was a blast for Fancy!!! Awesome family gathering there, love the music playing!!!

Chickenbuddy, feel free to sign up and host a Mascot, it's a fun way to get to know one another a bit better and play around and promote BYC...and all the other Hippy Jim reasons too!!! So let me know and I'll add you to the list.

I heard a rumor that Chuck, the international chicken of on the move again!!!! whoooo hoooo!!!!
Update: blizzard is supposed to run through Monday here....probably won't get out of the house much until Tues or Wed. Sorry for the delay of Fancy's transport, but we want her to have a safe journey of course.
Yay!! Hippie Jim was waiting on the box on the porch when we got home from Illinois. He was mad about spending time in the box, until we explained about our horrendous drive: 4 hours of snow-covered roads, then 6 more of rain! A safe, dry, warm box seemed more acceptable in comparison.

He's met the cats (one likes him, one was freaked out) and also met the oldest DD (who thinks this is 'disturbing' and will NOT be posing for pictures). I got some pics of HJ with the freaked out cat. Will post that and other photos later.
I can tell you're excited, barnyard

No, it won't be long now. We have to keep him over the weekend so he can visit Dollywood and the Smokies. But my plan is to mail him to you around this time next week.

Want to keep him moving so more people can share the joy and madness
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