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Okay here is my questions lol. I have been telling my DH what is going on with the mascot and that I sighned up for Wally. Tonight he decided that because I'm not doing as well as I had hoped on my Corninsh Xs that I can order 23 Red Broilers at the end of June and I can order two more chicks since I can't keep my roo. But he insisted on one of the new chicks being his rofl
And I just told him the next mascot will be a duck. He wanted me to ask if I can put my name on that list. I told him probably not being as the list was getting split in half and there are so many of us. But I told him I would ask so I'm asking on behalh of DH.
Oh and I knew it was only a matter of time before I got into chickens
So what if we want to request which mascot we want? Can we do that?

Also, can we start ANOTHER post with the pictures so we don't have to search through 27+ pages to find them? Like one that's just pictures and explainations? These posts that get up to 114 pages are just to painful to endure.
Okay, I've sent my addy.

What great first pics for Wally!

I love the one of you and that beautiful bird of yours!

Of course, I had to laugh at the 2nd, because I watch my son's pair of dogs when he's at work each day, and one is a doxie. He would have been up there checking out Wally, too!

Wow, what expressions on your hen's faces at their visitor. Priceless!

I loved those, thanks!!
Wow, what expressions on your hen's faces at their visitor. Priceless!

LOL!! That is just EXACTLY what I thought!! They were wondering if he was FOOD!!!

Today 1:35 am YES!! I went from 16 to 11... send..send...send... Im sooo excited!

You must have been one that benefited from moving Terri Lacy & Nifty together!!

Today 1:22 am So what if we want to request which mascot we want? Can we do that?

Also, can we start ANOTHER post with the pictures so we don't have to search through 27+ pages to find them? Like one that's just pictures and explainations? These posts that get up to 114 pages are just to painful to endure.

I can try to swap you out with someone else that wants to trade if ya'll will send me a pm letting me know you want to do that. Should not be a problem! Just let me know!

I do understand the thread is lengthy, but I pretty much assume most olks to this point have read as much previous stuff as they intend to. If I had another thread going there would be no way to prevent all the chatting and laughing and comments that would be posted following pictures on that thread as well and then we are all trying to keep up with 2 threads...too much! I think all the crazy comments are what people expect to follow their posted pictures. Maybe just open the thread from the "new posts" for you on..or from the last page first. I just can't imagine that this effort would stay organized at all if it weren't one thread!

And I just told him the next mascot will be a duck. He wanted me to ask if I can put my name on that list.

Chiknwhisperer...anyone on the bottom half of the list WILL get the duck!! If you aren't there already...maybe we can swap you out with someone!! The duck always makes me think of that Sesame Street song "Put Down the Duckie"!!! LOL!! Have a great day ya'll!!! Hope I haven't made anyone mad with these rules, trying to keep order and be consistent.

I haven't read through all the pages but heres an idea: Someone could make miniatures of the mascots and sell them in the BYC store. Then we could reminise (sp?) about our fun time with the mascots and support BYC.
The second mascot does indeed have a name which will be shared when he is presented!!!...Hopefully tonight!!!!!!!!!

Feel free to keep signing up if you haven't already!!!!!!!!!!!! No one will want to miss out on all this fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So funny. Maybe sometime later the mascots will want to visit Iowa. I could try to sale their photos on my redbubble page but I don't think people would know what to think if i tried to sale photos of a stuffed toy. LOL
LOL!! Still taking sign ups!!! New members, old members....well you know what I mean..but hey, the senior citizens are welcome too, lol! Heck, I nearly AM one myself!!
Anyway, before my dementia distracted me...I was saying...feel free to sign up if you haven't already...there will be 2 Mascots...and it WILL be fun!!!

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We'll probably have to end up swapping you with someone because the duck might not even get to me till friday and then the list will be split and by then you might still be on the chicken list. I would imagine there will be a few that will want to switch...we'll get it worked out!!!

Yeah that cat has missed a gear with all that butt action!!
Bet he peeked in on the visit Wally is having with Love-My-Wolves, lol!!!! I hear they are having a howling good time!!!
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