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the link to Wally's 4th of July parade!! He had a great time. To bad we can't get the video of him dancing with the jazzercise to come up, it was hysterical!!

And here's a few more that Jess didn't have time to upload.





We'll be off to the fire works in just a bit... hope we can get some pics of him there too!
Chickaroo! :

Wow! Wally looks like he's having such a good time!
Chickn Theif you're children are adorable! What a "melt your heart" smile your daughter has!

My little sister thanks you.
I am the one in blue, and my little brother 9Auskittle) and sister (Caity Grace) are the ones in the Old Nevada City pictures. Mom (Jeaucamom) is in red.

Well, this morning Caity and Jeauca are taking Wally off to Tahoe for a day of snowy fun, and then tomorrow the four of us are taking Wally to San Fran for the day. He will be placed in the mail and sent to WriterofWords early Monday morning!
Maybe I will have Howard in time to go to Hershey Park with him next year. If I do I hope I don't lose him on any rides
. If I don't he can celebrate a holiday with us if its that time of year (if I'm not too embarissed lol). What else could I do with him? So far everyone has gotten the mascot they hosted at a great time to do fun things with him. I'll probably get him in the dead of winter with no snow and nothing to do but BYC (which is pretty fun lol).
Shmooborp is right..check the first page of this thread that's where the list is for all the Mascots!!

Hey..Newdock...any sign of Chuck yet???!!! He has been in that Canadian mail system for weeks now...hope he's having a nice nap!!! I figure he should arrive at your place anyday now!!!!

Thank you Chicknthief & Jeacumom for hosting Wally and sharing him in such fun ways with your entire family!!!!! It looks like Wally had an awesome time!!!
well I dont know when Wall will get here...but plans are starting....he might make it here in time to go to the Crue Fest...but if not...we will take him with us to Rooster Rock, the local "clothing optional" beach. Pictures will be limited there LOL

edited to sat Crue Fest is Aug 9
or he could go to work with Lance.....building 33 floor buildings in the city of Portland...or hand with me and the kids for the day at the first chicken showing for 4H at the fair....oh...Gopher Boy might want to send him up in the rocket(the 10 foot tall rocket in our driveway)

WE CANT WAIT!!!!!!! and who ever is after us Wally will bring a gift from the Pacific North West with him!! (might be salmon, might be slugs, might be a plant, but something from our area)
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WE CANT WAIT!!!!!!! and who ever is after us Wally will bring a gift from the Pacific North West with him!! (might be salmon, might be slugs, might be a plant, but something from our area)

Last edited by GopherBoyFarms (Yesterday 7:58 pm)

*A Carolina Chick* will open Wally's package and find a complimentary SLUG!!!!! lol!!!!!

Any sighting in Canada yet of Chuck??!! Poor little thing in that box for weeks!!!!! Should have packed him a sandwich!!
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Chuck is in transit, Wally is in transit and now Howard is in transit!!!!! Whooooooo hoooooo!!! They should hopefully all arrive by the weekend and have some more fun!!!!!!!

Thanks soooooo much to everyone that has hosted a Mascot thus far!! You've been so much fun sharing them with your families and letting us get to know you a bit better!! Thanks so much!!! Looking forward to ALOT more fun!!!
Greetings, everyone! I'm looking forward to seeing Howard soon.

The timing of his arrival is a bit unfortunate, though, because I am currently in another state with my husband, who just had surgery for his Crohn's disease. (He's recovering nicely but we need to wait for his intestines to "wake back up" before we can even think about going home...). The earliest we will leave is next Tuesday, and that is just an estimate. No one has any idea yet because it depends on his healing. We are at the Cleveland Clinic and they are #2 in the nation for this kind of surgery, so they know what they're doing and we'll listen to whatever they tell us we have to do.

I do have someone collecting all my mail and packages while we're gone, so nothing will happen to Howard while we're away.

I'll have plenty of free time to take Howard on a jaunt around west Michigan once we return, and I look forward to posting all sorts of goofy pics for your entertainment.

Thanks, everyone, for understanding!
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