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I know the mail is slow sometimes.

I know we all have busy lives.

I know we were/are excited about the mascots.

But please keep us informed and if you don't really want to play the game or can't play the game please take your name off the list or ask to have it moved. It's pretty frustrating waiting and not knowing.

Anxiously wating for Wally and hoping he comes in this decade.
*A Carolina Chick* will open Wally's package and find a complimentary SLUG!!!!! lol!!!!!

Any sighting in Canada yet of Chuck??!! Poor little thing in that box for weeks!!!!! Should have packed him a sandwich!!

I am completely mortified at our procrastination!!! We were supposed to send Wally off on Monday and we wound up not being able to with our crazy schedules, and we still haven't done it! I am sure he will make it to the mailbox tomorrow morning though!!! So sorry everyone!! *looks sheepishly at the floor*
This is interesting-just began and already having hold up issues
I know that I plan to have Howard only two days before I mail him off again. I just think that unless we have circumstances that make us unable to mail the mascots off (we're gone when they arrive, it's the weekend, health issues, ect.), we shouldn't keep them very long. Am I the only one who feels this way?
Let's try to not make this negative. Yes it is a slow start but hopefully everyone is realizing that they need to post pictures and get the mascots sent off on a timely manner. It's all in fun and we just need to remember that.
I do actually hope we can get some good momentum rolling along here. I appreciate like crazy all the fun everyone that has participated has had with the Mascots...including them in family vacations has been great fun for us to share in too! So thank you to everyone that has had him and posted pics and talked up your times with Wally and Howard. Hopefully Chuck will get out of that box in the Canadian mail really soon and Wally will get to his destination and The Chicken Lady's hubby will get out of the hospital and everyone can have fun with them and move them forward in a timely manner..sure hope so anyway!!
Not trying to make it negative AT ALL!
I was simply asking if other people were on the same boat of trying to move him along quickly, rather than hold onto him to take him on vacation ect. Just a question, not being negative
Not trying to make it negative AT ALL!
I was simply asking if other people were on the same boat of trying to move him along quickly, rather than hold onto him to take him on vacation ect. Just a question, not being negative

No no i wasn't saying you were being negative......i just had a feeling that it could go that way.....I know i was feeling the same way you are. I figure i'll get Wally by the middle of next year....
and for awhile i was feeling "why are there not more pics and where the heck are they".....then i realized this is all in fun and calmed myself down. Just thought others might be doing the same thing.
Sorry didn't mean to make YOU feel picked on!
I hope that sassy little Howard duck makes his way to you all soon!!!

Any word on Chuck, Newdoc??

I know Wally is sort of hangin out until the medical situation is over but poor Chuck...3 weeks in the mail!! Bet he will need to do some crowing when he gets out!!
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I got that backwards Eli...Howard is the one on hold due to the medical situation..he has arrived but hasn't been unpacked yet I beleive..Wally just got sent and poor little Chuck is touring Canada inside a box!! I did get them mixed up, sorry!!
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