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CBK, you gotta go back and catch up.

I did

LOL Kurt!!!! He was "allegedly" Mascot Napped becasue he arrived at Newdock's house while the whole family was away at music camp for the kids..they are home and Chuck was waiting for them. So they are entertaining him now. TheChcikenLady and her husband are home from the hospital and Howard is checking out the freshman ducks on the local college campus today. Wally, however, is MIA!!...Beaker is in the mail to Terri Lacy and Rusty arrived today at TheChickCrew's house and TinaTurkey is sitting on my dining room table waiting to be boxed and mailed to Carri Brown. Everyone accounted for but Wally.
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I did

LOL Kurt!!!! He was "allegedly" Mascot Napped becasue he arrived at Newdock's house while the whole family was away at music camp for the kids..they are home and Chuck was waiting for them. So they are entertaining him now. TheChcikenLady and her husband are home from the hospital and Howard is checking out the freshman ducks on the local college campus today. Wally, however, is MIA!!...Beaker is in the mail to Terri Lacy and Rusty arrived today at TheChickCrew's house and TinaTurkey is sitting on my dining room table waiting to be boxed and mailed to Carri Brown. Everyone accounted for but Wally.

ok NOW I understand
Thechickcrew~ Now I don't make breakfast that looks anything like that... so don't spoil him too much!! He certainly won't eat like that at my house!! (I'm more of an iced coffee and a muffin sort of gal)
So I heard this really loud quacking from the front yard. I followed the sound to the mailboxes. Could it be????


Glad to see you Beaker! Yes of course you can look around!!
You like the Egg Sign? Well it is not fancy, but it works.


Come on back...the flock is waiting to meet you.
Yes, they are fun just to sit and watch.

But really come on in, they are on their good behavior today.


Oops. Sorry. I guess Butterscotch the Buff Duck is persnickity today. Did she pinch you terribly hard? I see Miss Matilda Pekin Duck is flirting over her shoulder at you. She is quite brazen sometimes. I just can never be sure of her.

Well, come on back

Yes, I will protect you from the geese. The taller they are the harder they bite? Well I don't know, but we won't take chances.


This is Claire the Buff Orp. She is our Grand Old Lady. She is about 8 or so and very motherly.


Wilbur is interested in you, as is one of the Quack Sisters and Leilani Peepers the Sebastopol.

Yes they are quite tall. Don't worry, I won't let them poop on you or anything


Here come the geese. See, they are welcoming you to the flock!

Oh, Beaker, would you like to go see the neighbors? He makes his own wine. I am sure he would love to serve you a glass.


Yes, that's a big jug o wine.

Careful Beaker. It is potent stuff....Beaker?
Uh oh.


Are you there Beaker?

Well, you can sleep it off.

Sweet dreams, Beaker. Oh, if you feel like yakking, the bathroom is ro your right in the hallway.

Now that you had a nice sleep, what do you think of the quilt on the wall?

Yes, Made by our own revered Speckled Hen!! It is just gorgeous! No you may not have it Beaker. Sorry.

Well safe journey and thanks for stopping in!
Ahh, looks like Beaker had a great time checking out the Lacy homestead. He's so cute, even if he does drink too much (hmmm, that sounds like something I might have said about ex-boyfriends!).

I wish I was on Beaker's list. Anyone want to trade straight across from Beaker's list to Tina the Turkey?
OMG!!!!!!Terri!!!! I love it!!!! That mailbox picture still has me grinning!!! SOOOOO cute!!!! He is precious with your flock!!!! Cutest thing ever!! Thank you so much for being a great hostess!!!! LOL!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!! Don't feel like you have to shuttle him off so fast, I think folks worry more about the limbo status than them visiting at folks' houses. AWESOME pictures!!!!!!! Hope he was good for business on that sign post!!! Too cute!!!
Done!! Ya'll are added to the extra lists! Thank ya'll too!! You're right Kodiak, that Beaker in the mailbox picture and then sitting in Terri's pen with his little patch of poof on top of the head showing is really a cutie pie!!! Wonder if any of her ducks were swooning over him?! And holy cow, what size was that wine bottle, like 10 gallons?!!! lol!!! At least it was FULL!!! Guess that was pre-bottling? Really cool to have a neighbor like that!!
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OMG, Terrie!!!
Too funny! I will have to take Beaker to my friend Karen's house while he's here. Her FIL makes homemade wine too. Or would that be supporting a bad habit?
Maybe not. My son says, "good thing he's wearing his flip flops outside!" And he asks that we NOT be moved from Beaker's list. He is in love!
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