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We are very curious when Howard will be starting his journey to arrive here? I've got some things planned and it would help if I had an idea of when to expect him. No rush... it would just help if I knew.
GREAT! I was hoping she'd make it on time! I was going to pay for Express but it was more than twice the amount, so I'm glad Priority got her there!!!

Don't you love the little stickers that change? They are sooo cool!

Yes! All the stickers and everything that came with him is fantastic! Pictures soon!
Miss Fancy is here! That is one HIGH MAINTANANCE girly!!

Coltin was so happy to help her unpack, and she has already made new friend (besides our boy child).
This is just the begining of her adventures here.


We are glad she came today. Need something to lighten the mood around here having my pretty little polish in chicky hospital
On another thread The Chicken Lady sadi that she had pics, and planned to get Howard in the mail soon.
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Hi, just wondering how far Wally is from making his way here. I saw the lists were shortened so I've kinda lost track of who's where.
Miss Fancy looks like she's found the roo house. (No GI Janes)
I'm sure she's in good company!
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! Lucky Fancy!!!!! A slew of cute boys!!! Thanks for showing her a great time!!! Weren't those socks cute?!!!! With the little chickens on them and her big ole feet I thought they might fit, and I see that they do!! Cute!!! Whoo hoo GopherBoyFarms !!!!!
How long are we able to keep Fancy for? I know we are supposed to send her back off in a timely it ok if we keep her for a few more days? It's been a trying week already and we normally dont get out of the house till weekends.
oh man... Rusty was everywhere.. I loved the bass ride!

I guess you can sign us up for Rusty.. as Rose's Human Hen requested... We can get his picture with OUR Rusty!
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:eek: Boy sure looks like Rusty had a full visit and met all kinds of new friends. Great photos
And he even learned to sew, shows you can teach a Rooster new skills... This way his range of work skills is expanding. Next thing ya know he'll have his own line of designer vests for the hens to model. Look out Calvin Klein
LOL!! The Rusty Roo line, showing on the runway in Paris...definately something to clcuk about!! lol!! That picture of him driving is sooo cute!!!! Updates on the rest of the Mascots???? Beaker? Howard? Wally? Tina?
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