The Carnivores in Coop One


The Chicken Whisperer
Premium Feather Member
13 Years
May 11, 2010
I had a few hamburger patties left over from a family cook out and decided to give the gals a treat. I wasn't sure what they would do. I tossed a piece in the coop and chaos ensued. Everybody had to see what that was.

They know something's up when they hear the crinkle of plastic.

Here comes double trouble!

Uh oh! Triple trouble!

Everybody runs to see what I tossed on the ground

Leggs bolts with her treat

She gets a close look at what she has. "What the heck is this?"

Stan's wattles wave as he frantically tries to see what the girls are mauling

Leggs gives the morsel a fling just in case

Stan arrives to assist her in killing the morsel of food. He stomps his foot, trills loudly, and picks it up

The sharks circle as she eyes it again before eating it.

Stan chastises a pushy hen

Then struts off with a wave of his wattles

Then crows to all who can hear just because he can crow

Jennifer waves her wattles as she whips about to find a morsel

Stan helps another gal with a morsel

Then spins around to help another in need

Once the food is gone, the triplets get to work on grooming themselves

Morse Code falls asleep

Big Sister sings the egg song

And the egg layers get to work!

But there is always one looking for seconds

I like your chickens. They look cool!

I thought feeding them meat would make them into cannibals. They won't start eating their chicks?
Occasional meat won't hurt chickens. And since I don't plan to raise chicks around them, I won't have to worry about cannibalism.

Thanks for looking!
Nice show! That was hysterical!

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